For the severe weather data for a particular month, choose the month and year and click "find". Note: the data is in .pdf format, and you will need adobe acrobat to view it. Also, some data may not be available yet.
The following summaries cover "significant" or widespread thunderstorm outbreaks and tornadoes. Tornadoes, hail, wind damage, and flooding impacts can be found in these summaries. If the event was focused mainly on flooding it will be found under the "Flooding" section.
Scroll down the page for year, or go directly:
August 5, 2024: Several Weak Tornadoes in SE MN and NE IA
The following summaries cover "significant" or widespread flooding. River and flash flooding can be found in these summaries. If the flooding event accompanied severe thunderstorms or tornado outbreaks, it will likely be included in that event's summary under the "Thunderstorms / Tornadoes" section.
The following summaries cover "significant" or widespread winter storms. Heavy snow, sleet, freezing rain, and blizzards can be found in these summaries. If the event focused on wind chills, it will be found under the "Heat / Cold" section.
Scroll down the page for year, or go directly:
March 5: Blizzard conditions west of the Mississippi River
February 8: Narrow band of 6-12" of snow over central WI
The following summaries cover "significant" or widespread high heat or extreme cold. Dangerous wind chills and life threatening heat indices can be found in these summaries. If the extreme temperatures were associated with a summer or winter storm, it may be found under the "Thunderstorms & Tornadoes" or "Winter" sections.
The following summaries cover events that don't fall under the other categories - such as high wind events (not associated with thunderstorms). Other atmospheric events, such as auroras, may be found here.