National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Click anywhere on the map for the forecast. Turn "on and off" the various weather parameters using the display options. Hover over a highlighted area to see the hazard. Map Display Options


Hazardous Weather Outlook Forecast Discussion Latest Conditions Submit Report


Local, Regional, & National Radar
La Crosse
KLSE reflectivity
Regional Radar
Regional Radar
National Radar
National Radar


Neighboring NWS Radars
KDLH reflectivity
   Twin Cities
KMPX reflectivity
   Des Moines
KDMX reflectivity
   Quad Cities
KDVN reflectivity
KMKX reflectivity
   Green Bay
KGRB reflectivity


More Details
Visibile Satellite
Visible Satellite
Infrared Satellite
Infrared Satellite
Water Vapor Satellite
Water Vapor Satellite


Snow / Ice Forecasts - More Details   Regional 6 Hour Snow Forecasts

72 hour snow potential

72 hour ice potential
regional snowfall potential
Most Current
regional snowfall potential regional snowfall potential
regional snowfall potential regional snowfall potential regional snowfall potential
36 Hours


  6 Hour Snow / Snow Type (wet or dry) / Ice Forecasts
  NOW     24 hr       48 hr       72 hr
SNOW snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period snowfall forecast for a 6 hour period
TYPE 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character 6 hour snowfall character
ICE ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period ice forecast for a 6 hour period


large amount or snow type image




Probabilistic Snowfall Forecasts - More Details By City

Potential for measurable snow

Potential for 1" or more of snow
1" or more

Potential for 2" or more of snow
2" or more

Potential for 4" or more of snow
4"or more

Potential for 6" or more of snow
6" or more

Potential for 8" or more of snow
8" or more

Potential for 12" or more of snow
12" or more

Most Likely



Hourly Precipitation Graphs - by county   Probability Of Precip Type
Graphics only updated when precipitation in the forecast






  Last 7 days - from MRCC
snow reports ice reports
In-depth snow analysis from the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC)


snow depth
Snow Depth



More information available on the HAZARDS DASHBOARD
Interested in Probabilistic Outlooks?

The Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook is a decision support service that supports preparedness and response efforts prior to and during hazardous weather. This service provides decision makers with convenient access to potential weather hazard information by graphically depicting the risk of weather hazards out through seven days.

Snow / Sleet - Legend
Extreme Cold - Legend
Day 1 snow sleet hazards
Day 2 snow outlook
Day 1 ice hazards
Day 2 ice hazards
Day 1 cold hazards
Day 2 cold hazards
Day 3 snow sleet hazards
Day 4 snow outlook
Day 3 ice hazards
Day 4 ice hazards
Day 3 cold hazards
Day 4 cold hazards

Snow and Sleet Legend

Risk Level
< 1" of snow or sleet
1 to 3 inches
Locally hazardous travel conditions on bridges, overpasses, and untreated or secondary roads
3 to 6 inches
Be prepared to reduce travel speed for hazardous travel conditions - especially on bridges, overpasses, untreated and secondary roads
6 to 12 inches
Plan for hazardous travel conditions. Avoid travel if possible
12 or more inches
Travel will be dangerous and may be impossible. Avoid travel unless it is an emergency

Ice Accumulation Legend

Risk Level
No freezing rain or drizzle
Very light freezing rain or drizzle with up to a thin glaze, or freezing fog
Locally hazardous travel conditions on bridges, overpasses, and untreated or secondary roads
Freezing rain or drizzle with accumulation less than 1/4 inch
Be prepared to reduce travel speed for hazardous travel conditions - especially on bridges, overpasses, untreated and secondary roads
Freezing rain with accumulation of 1/4 to less than 1 inch
Plan for hazardous travel conditions. Power lines and trees may be damaged resulting in localized to scattered power outages. Avoid travel if possible and prepare for possible power outages
Freezing rain with accumulation of greater than or equal to 1 inch
Travel will be dangerous and may be impossible. Power lines and trees likely damaged resulting in widespread power outages. Avoid travel unless it is an emergency and prepare for extended power outages

Excessive Cold Legend

Risk Level
Wind chills 10 F or warmer
Its cold, stay warm.
Wind chills  < -4 F
Frostbite and hypothermia may occur with prolonged exposure without proper clothing. Have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure if possible.
Wind chills  < -19 F
Frostbite and hypothermia could occur within 30 minutes without proper clothing. Have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure if possible.
Wind chills  < -29 F
Frostbite and hypothermia will likely occur within minutes without proper clothing. Have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure.
Wind chills  < -39 F
Frostbite and hypothermia will occur within minutes without proper clothing. Have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure.


  Outlooks from the Weather Prediction Center
Days 4-7
Snow > 4 inches
Day 1 snow outlook
Snow > 4 inches
Day 2 snow outlook
Snow > 4 inches
Day 3 snow outlook
Day 4
Day 4 snow outlook
Day 5
Day 5 snow outlook
Ice > 1/10"
Day 1 ice outlook
Ice > 1/10"
Day 2 ice outlook
Ice > 1/10"
Day 3 ice outlook
Day 6
Day 6 snow outlook
Day 7
Day 7 snow outlook



Daily Coldest Wind Chills Through 7 Days
Min wind chill day 1 Min wind chill day 2 Min Wind Chill Day 3 Min Wind chill day 4 Min wind chill day 5 min wind chill day 6 min wind chill day 7
Most Current           Day 7



Calculate the wind chill, or reference the wind chill chart:

Wind Speed (MPH) =
Air Temp (ºF) =

º F

Wind Chill Temperature 3 Hour Forecasts
NOW   6hr   12hr   18hr   24hr   30hr   36hr
wind chill temps at 00 hour wind chill temps at 03 hour wind chill temps at 06 hour wind chill temperature wind chill temperature wind chill temperature wind chill temperature wind chill temperature wind chill temperatures wind chill temperature wind chill temperature wind chill temperature wind chill temperature


wind chill temperature