National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Drought Snowfall
 Precipitation Departures from Normal



Graphical Local Drought Information Statement (PDF) 


Drought Declarations (as of 6/4/2024) 
(Courtesy PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP))


Drought Map of Pennsylvania


Common Questions:


Are we below normal for precipitation?

See: Departure from Normal Maps
(from the MARFC)

What are streamflows like right now?

See: USGS = Daily Streamflow Map

What are well levels like right now?

See: USGS = PA GroundWater Well Levels.

How much precipitation have we been getting the last few years?


Generate plots: Statewide Precipitation (or Temperature) trends


How much precipitation do we normally receive in a year/month?


See: Maps of Normal Annual and Monthly Precipitation in PA


Select from above options to open a map in the Main Window

Normal Annual PA Precip (inches)

Useful links:


Recent Snowfall

Public Reports (as appropriate)
When we obtain reports from across the region - whether from spotters, the general public, or solicited information from people like PennDOT or Emergency Personnel - we quality-check the data.  We then try to issue Public Information Statements that summarize this information. Latest 24-hr Snowfall Report Map MapOfReports example
Co-Operative (CoOp) Station Observations (Daily)
  Once per day (usually around 7 am) more than 100 people across Central Pennsylvania send the NWS an observation covering the past 24 hours.  Most report rain and snow totals. See the daily data from the CoOperative Observers Map representing CoOp station locations

Seasonal Totals

Select Season:

seasonal snow map

TIP: right-click on image and choose "View Image" to see the map at full size.


Seasonal Normals

What is normal (average) for my location?
Check the map below, which lists the Average Annual Snowfall for Pennsylvania. Then, if you need further/more-detailed (monthly averages) information, check the Climate Database for a location near you.


  1. "Monthly avgs/totals" from Col #1 (Product)
  2. Choose a location near to you from Col #2 (Location)
  3. Select "Snowfall" from Col #3 (Variable)
  4. Select "1981-2010" from Col#4 (Year)
  5. Hit "GO!"

Average Annual Snowfall for Pennsylvania

Average Annual Snowfall for Pennsylvania, contours

Long Term Seasonal Averages

Location Long-Term Average 30 Year Average
Harrisburg 33.2
since 1889
State College 45.9
since 1893
Williamsport 38.8
since 1895



Average Date of First Snowfall in Central PA

Date of Average Frist Snowfall


Long-Term Station Snowfall Totals

The following charts show the individual winter season snowfalls since 1980-1981. Continuous weather records have been kept since 1888 in Harrisburg, and since 1895 in both Williamsport and State College. Scroll down to see the larger images.
Harrisburg, PA Site Snowfall for winter seasons. State College, PA Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for winter seasons. Williamsport, PA Site Snowfall for winter seasons.

Harrisburg, PA Site Snowfall for winter seasons.
Harrisburg, PA Site Snowfall for recent winter seasons.

State College, PA Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for winter seasons.
State College, PA Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for recent winter seasons.

Williamsport, PA Site Snowfall for winter seasons.
Williamsport, PA Site Snowfall for recent winter seasons.

Laurel Summit, PA Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for winter seasons.
Laurel Summit, PA Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for recent winter seasons.

Chandler Valley, PA Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for winter seasons.
Chandler Valley (NW Warren County) Co-Operative Observation Site Snowfall for recent winter seasons.




Flood Climatology (How normal is flooding?):
Link to Flood Climatology Info from the Middle Atlantic River Forecast Center (MARFC)