Winter/Spring Flood Outlook for Central Pennsylvania Valid February 4, 2025 Issued by: WFO State College Contact Information: Next update due by February 21, 2025 This product will be updated approximately every two weeks through early Spring, and more frequently if conditions change significantly. Please visit for previous statements. Much of Central Pennsylvania has been drier than average over the past couple of weeks. The forecast over the next two weeks calls for a trend towards above average precipitation. The overall flood potential over the next two weeks is NEAR AVERAGE. 30-Day and 60-Day Precipitation Departures: 30-Day Precipitation Departures are well below average across Central Pennsylvania and 60-Day Precipitation Departures are below average. Latest Snow Water Equivalent (SWE): The latest Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) across is 1-2.5 inches across much of the Allegheny Plateau, with 2.5-5 inches (locally higher) across parts of the Laurel Highlands. Little if any snow cover was observed across the south-central mountains and the Lower Susquehanna Valley. Hydrologic Conditions and Impacts: Streamflows are generally running near average across western Pennsylvania, near to below average across central Pennsylvania and northeastern Pennsylvania, and well below average across southeastern Pennsylvania. Drought Severity Index - Long Term Palmer: The long term Palmer Drought Severity Index is near normal across much of Central Pennsylvania, but trending drier across the Lower Susquehanna Valley. Seven Day Precipitation Forecast: The 7-Day precipitation forecast ranges from 0.50-0.75” across far northern Pennsylvania to nearly 2.00” across the far southwest. 8-14 Day Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks: The 8-14 day forecast calls for a trend towards colder than average temperatures and above average precipitation. The latest 6-10 Day , 8-14 Day, monthly and seasonal outlooks can be found on the CPC homepage. Flood Outlook Summary: Current and expected conditions: Recent precipitation: Below to well below average Snow conditions: Near average River Ice: Near average Streamflow Conditions: Near to below average Soil Moisture Conditions: Near to below average Groundwater: Near to below average Reservoir Conditions: Near to below average Precipitation Forecast: Above average precipitation is favored over the next two weeks The overall flood potential over the next two weeks is NEAR AVERAGE. Next update: February 21, 2025