Today's Weather Impact Levels (click on specific hazard for details) |
Lightning |
Tornado |
Wind |
Hail |
Flood |
Flood |
Current |
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Heat/Cold |
Heat/Cold Hazard |
Legend (Click for Impacts) |
None |
No extreme temperatures. |
Low |
Wind Chill 26-35 or Temp. near 32 in pockets; Heat Index 100 to 104, across wide area. |
Moderate |
Wind Chill 16 to 25 or Temp. 28-32; Heat Index 105 to 107, across wide area. |
High |
Wind Chill 10 to 15 or Temp 20 to 27; or Heat Index 108 to 112, across wide area. |
Extreme |
Wind Chill <10 or Temp <20; or Heat Index ≥113, across wide area. |
Heat and Cold Impact Statement |
For additional hazard information, view the full Hazardous Weather Outlook text. |
Heat and Cold Impact Definitions |
Heat and Cold Impact: None |
No Impact |
Heat and Cold Impact: Low |
Daytime Heat Index 100 to 104, Overnight Temperature 75 to 79
Uncomfortable Heat. If outside for more than one hour, heat exhaustion is likely to un-acclimated residents or residents whose water intake is low. Residents should reserve strenuous activity for early morning or evening. |
Wind Chill 26 to 35 and/or pockets of 32° air temperature
Unpleasant cold. Life-long Florida residents, long term elderly residents, and the homeless should only be outside for short periods of time. Frost is possible in rural low lying areas of interior West Central Florida and Nature Coast counties. |
Heat and Cold Impact: Moderate |
Daytime Heat Index 105 to 107, Overnight Temperature 80°
Debilitating Heat. If outside for an hour or more, heat stroke is possible to un-acclimated residents or residents whose water intake is low. Heat exhaustion is likely for any resident out for any length of time with low water intake prior to being outdoors. Outdoor enthusiasts are urged to reserve strenuous activity for early morning or evening; other residents should remain in air conditioned locations. |
Wind Chill 16 to 25 and/or widespread 28-32° air temperature
Critical cold. Life-long Florida residents, long term elderly residents, and the homeless must stay out of the cold if possible. Frostbite is possible. A freeze is expected in most areas, with the possible exception of the immediate gulf coast, Tampa Bay, and Charlotte Harbor. If winds are light, widespread frost is likely. |
Heat and Cold Impact: High |
Daytime Heat Index 108 to 112, Overnight Temperature 81 to 84°
Dangerous Heat! If outside for an hour or more, heat stroke is likely, and death possible, to un-acclimated residents or residents whose water intake is low. Heat stroke is possible for any resident with low water intake, prior to being outdoors for any length of time
All residents are urged to remain in air conditioned locations. Residents should vacate non-air conditioned locations; heat exhaustion is certain and heat stroke will follow with long exposures. Outdoor activities should be postponed or cancelled. |
Wind Chill 10 to 15 and/or widespread 20-27° air temperature
Dangerous cold! Life-long Florida residents, long term elderly residents, and the homeless will receive frostbite on exposed skin. All residents must wear several layers if outside for any length of time, or frostbite is possible.
A hard freeze is expected in most inland areas, which will kill unprotected tender vegetation. Temperatures will fall to or just below 32° at the coast. Unprotected heartier crops will be damaged. Recent example: January 24th, 2003. |
Heat and Cold Impact: Extreme |
Daytime Heat Index ≥113, Overnight Temperature ≥85°
Killing Heat! If outside for any length of time, heat stroke and death is likely to un-acclimated residents or residents whose water intake is low. Heat stroke is likely, and death possible, for any resident with low water intake, prior to being outdoors for any length of time.
All residents must remain in air conditioned locations. Residents must vacate non-air conditioned locations; heat stroke is certain, and death may follow, with long exposures. Outdoor activities must be postponed or cancelled. Example of extreme heat: Chicago, July 1995. |
Life Threatening! Wind Chill <10 and/or widespread <20° air temperature
Killing Freeze! All residents are at risk for frostbite to uncovered skin. Life-long Florida residents, long term elderly residents, and the homeless may die if outdoors, unprotected, for any length of time. Most residents are urged to remain in heated locations until temperatures recover.
A killing freeze is expected in most inland areas, and a hard freeze near the coast where temperatures will fall into the 20s. All unprotected native vegetation will die. Historical examples: January 21st, 1985; Christmas Day, 1983. |