National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Warning Coordination Subcommittee


Through the Waring Coordination Subcommittee, the NTHMP provides input to the operational U.S. Tsunami Warning System. Recommendations from the NTHMP help refine warning system messages, graphics, procedures, exercises, and dissemination systems so that warning system products are effective during a tsunami warning.

NTHMP Warning Coordination Subcommittee (WCS) Membership List - July 2024


The WCS will help improve U.S. tsunami warning system effectiveness by providing NTHMP partners a means to exchange experiences and discuss improvements related to operational product dissemination. WCS members will formulate and agree to actions and recommendations regarding components of the tsunami warning system such as warning center products, warning procedures, message dissemination, system exercises, and Emergency Alert System activation. The WCS will execute strategies as assigned in the NTHMP Strategic Plan, and activities as assigned by the NTHMP Coordinating Committee.

Authority: The WCS will be considered the primary mechanism for NTHMP partner input to NOAA's operational tsunami warning system. As such, its actions and recommendations, achieved by consensus of the members, will be considered to represent the collective will of those partners. Major changes proposed through the Subcommittee will be vetted through the NWS service change process and the NWS Directive and Instruction system as appropriate. Minor changes proposed and approved through the Subcommittee will be implemented by the Tsunami Warning Centers.

State/territory membership is the Emergency Management Member from each of the NTHMP regions of the Coordinating Committee: Alaska, American Samoa, California, East Coast States, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Gulf Coast States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Oregon, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Washington.

Members of the WCS Who Participate in the Consensus Process



Emergency Management Member from each region of the Coordinating Committee:

  • Alaska:  Anthony Picasso, Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA)
  • American Samoa: Mulivanu Aiumu, Emergency Manager, American Samoa (proxy Jolene Kava, Department of Homeland Security)
  • California:  Todd Becker, California Governor's Office of Emergency Services, San Francisco
  • Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands:   Mario Kaipat, Dept. of Homeland Security, Saipan
  • East Coast:  Dr. Ed Fratto, Northeast States Emergency Consortium, Boston
  • Guam: Ronald Obispo, Guam Homeland Security, Hagåtña
  • Gulf Coast: Vacant
  • Hawaii:  Julie Fujimoto, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, Honolulu
  • Oregon:  Dr. Althea Rizzo, Oregon Emergency Management Agency, Salem
  • Puerto Rico:  Dr. Victor A. Huerfano and Wildaomaris Gonzales, Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency, San Juan
  • U.S. Virgin Islands:  Denise Lewis, Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency, St. Croix
  • Washington:  Maximilian Dixon, Washington Division of Emergency Management, Camp Murray

Additional Stakeholders

  • Ed Plumb, NWS Alaska Region
  • Vacant, NWS Western Region
  • Katie Nguyen, NWS Southern Region
  • Ian Morrison, NWS Pacific Region
  • Chris Birchfield, NWS Eastern Region
  • Dr. Laura Kong, International Tsunami Information Center
  • Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program
  • Commander, U.S. Navy - Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Honolulu
  • U.S. Coast Guard - Atlantic and Pacific Region representatives
  • Sarah Rogowski, NTHMP Administrator (Ex-officio)
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency: Tamra Biasco, FEMA Region X, Lynnwood, WA
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency: Andrew Herseth, Earthquake and Wind Programs Branch, Washington, DC
  • U.S. Geological Survey: Dr. Nate Wood, Portland, OR
  • NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologists
  • Other NTHMP state/territory emergency management representatives
  • FEMA Representatives
  • USGS Representatives
  • Corina Allen, NWS Tsunami Program Manager
  • Canadian Tsunami Program Representatives
  • Social Science Experts