National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

State Partners


The following states and territories actively participate on the NTHMP Coordinating Committee and its subcommittees.

Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
University of Alaska Fairbanks/Alaska Earthquake Center
Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys

American Samoa
American Samoa Territorial Emergency Management Coordination

California Governor's Office of Emergency Services: Earthquake, Tsunami & Volcano Programs
California Geological Survey: Tsunamis

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
University of Hawaii at Manoa

Oregon Office of Emergency Management: Tsunami Information
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries: Oregon Tsunami Clearinghouse

Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Bureau of Emergency Management
University of Puerto Rico/Puerto Rico Seismic Network

U.S. Virgin Islands
Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency: Tsunamis

Washington Emergency Management Division: Tsunami
Washington State Department of Natural Resources/Geologic Hazards Group: Tsunamis

The following states do not actively participate in the NTHMP, but their interests are served through regional representation on the NTHMP Coordinating Committee and subcommittees. Information about the tsunami hazard and tsunami preparedness and mitigation activities in these states is typically available from state emergency management offices and/or geological surveys.

East Coast

NTHMP Representatives:

Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection/Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey

Delaware Emergency Management Agency
University of Delaware/Delaware Geological Survey

Florida (East Coast)
Florida Division of Emergency Management
Florida Geological Survey

Georgia Emergency Management Agency/Homeland Security
Environmental Protection Division

Maine Emergency Management Agency
Maine Geological Survey

Maryland Emergency Management Agency
Maryland Geological Survey

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency
University of Massachusetts/Office of the Massachusetts State Geologist

New Hampshire
New Hampshire Homeland Security and Emergency Management
New Hampshire Geological Survey

New Jersey
New Jersey Office of Emergency Management
New Jersey Geological and Water Survey

New York
New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
New York State Geological Survey

North Carolina
North Carolina Division of Emergency Management
North Carolina Geological Survey

Rhode Island
Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency
University of Rhode Island/Rhode Island Geological Survey

South Carolina
South Carolina Emergency Management Division
South Carolina Geological Survey

Virginia Department of Emergency Management
Division of Geology and Mineral Resources

Gulf Coast

NTHMP Representatives:

Alabama Emergency Management Agency
Geological Survey of Alabama

Florida (Gulf Coast)
Florida Division of Emergency Management
Florida Geological Survey

Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness
Louisiana State University/Louisiana Geological Survey

Mississippi Emergency Management Agency
Office of Geology

Texas Division of Emergency Management
University of Texas at Austin/Bureau of Economic Geology