National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) is led by its Chair and leadership in cooperation with its Coordinating Committee composed of representatives from the following government entities:

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) (Chair)
  • Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA)
  • U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  • U.S. coastal states (AK, CA, HI, OR, WA, East Coast, Gulf Coast)
  • Pacific territories/commonwealths (American Samoa, CNMI, Guam)
  • Puerto Rico
  • U.S. Virgin Islands

Foundational Documents

NTHMP Program Administration


The NTHMP is supported by the NTHMP Administrator who is based at the National Weather Service headquarters, Tsunami Program. This position serves as an Executive Secretary to the Chair, organizes meetings, develops NTHMP meeting agendas, takes minutes for Coordinating Committee meetings, facilitates NTHMP meetings and work groups, maintains the NTHMP website, and communicates on behalf of the NTHMP Coordinating Committee and Subcommittees with its members.

The NTHMP Coordinating Committee (NTHMP CC) shall:

  1. Include representatives from Federal, state, territorial, and commonwealth governments;
  2. Provide recommendations to the National Weather Service on how to improve the TsunamiReady® program, particularly on ways to make communities more tsunami resilient through the use of inundation maps and other mitigation practices; and
  3. Ensure that all components of the program are integrated with ongoing hazard warning and risk management activities, emergency response plans, and mitigation programs in affected areas, including integrating information to assist in tsunami evacuation route planning.




In conjunction with outside experts and other stakeholders, the three subcommittees develop guidance and set standards to ensure consistency among federal and state tsunami programs and integration with broader multi-hazard programs.


Island Caucus


The NTHMP Island Caucus was formed on approval of the NTHMP Coordinating Committee at its meeting of February 5, 2016.

The Island Caucus was created to provide a forum for the members of the NTHMP who are on islands or have significant island chains (Alaska) to focus on the risks associated with the development and maintenance of a comprehensive tsunami preparedness and response program that meets the needs of the islands. Although attendance at Island Caucus gatherings is open to all, the core members are representatives from areas listed below.

There are many others who provide valued guidance and support: Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, National Weather Service, International Tsunami Information Center, University of Hawaii, University of Puerto Rico, and the Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program, as well as other NTHMP partners.

The scope of activities and membership of the Island Caucus are defined in the Terms of Reference

Membership for the NTHMP Island Caucus includes representatives from:

  • American Samoa
  • Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands
  • Guam
  • Hawaii
  • Puerto Rico
  • U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Alaska

Leadership and Membership


The NTHMP Island Caucus has two Co-Chairs:

  • Wildaomaris Gonzales-Ruiz, Puerto Rico
  • Second Co-chair TBD


  • Vinnie Atofau, American Samoa Dept. of Homeland Security/Emergency Management
  • Kwok Fai Cheung, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI
  • Mario Kaipat, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Dept. Homeland Security
  • Dennile Calvo, Guam Dept. of Homeland Security
  • Chip Guard, NWS Forecast Office, Guam
  • Savanna Holloway-Ledo, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
  • Julie Fujimoto, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
  • Dr. Victor Huerfano, Puerto Rico Seismic Network, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
  • Carlos Irigoyen, Puerto Rico Emergency Management Bureau
  • Laura Kong, International Tsunami Information Center (NWS Pacific Region)
  • Elinor Lutu-McMoore, NWS Forecast Office, American Samoa
  • Antonina Paselio, American Samoa Dept. of Homeland Security/Emergency Management
  • Elizabeth Vanacore, Puerto Rico Seismic Network, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
  • Jonathan Villagomez, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Dept. Homeland Security
  • Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program (ITIC/NWS Pacific Region)
  • Roy Watlington, U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Jeff Lorens (ex-officio), Acting NTHMP Administrator

TsuInfo Alert Editorial Board


The NTHMP TsuInfo Alert Editorial Board was created and endorsed by the NTHMP Coordinating Committee in 2015.

The Editorial Board provides expert advice and guidance to the Editor of the NTHMP TsuInfo Alert newsletter. This newsletter is produced six times each year and distributed by email, mail, and the web. The State of Washington Department of Natural Resources is funding through NOAA/NWS Tsunami Activities Grants to pay for the services required to support this newsletter, including the services of an Editor.

This newsletter has been written and produced since January, 1999. The archive of these newsletters is here.

The duties of the NTHMP TsuInfo Alert Editorial Board include:

  • Recruit, write, and submit articles for this newsletter.
  • Provide links to articles, publications, and websites of interest to the tsunami community.
  • Review draft newsletter content and offer suggestions to improve the content, clarify language, and provide insightful guidance to adhere to publication standards and political neutrality.
  • Suggest edits to articles to improve readability and understanding of content (if too technical or can be stated more clearly and concisely.)
  • Test and review links to websites and articles when provided (to make sure they work, are accessible, and appropriate.)
  • Read and review newsletter draft(s) when presented in layout/pdf form before publication. Provide constructive feedback to the Editor.
  • Respond to requests by the Editor within a few business days.

The members of the NTHMP TsuInfo Alert Editorial Board are:

  • Ms. Christa von Hillebrandt-Andrade, Manager, NWS Caribbean Tsunami Warning Program (representing NTHMP Mitigation & Education Subcommittee)
  • Mr. Ian Sears, NTHMP Administrator
  • Mr. Brian Nieuwenhuis, Meteorologist, NWS Forecast Office, Medford, Oregon (representing NTHMP Warning Coordination Subcommittee)
  • Ms. Corina Forson, Washington Department of Natural Resources (representing agency funded to produce the newsletter)
  • Mr. Rick Wilson, Senior Engineer, California Geological Survey (representing NTHMP Mapping & Modeling Subcommittee)

The Editor is: Ms. Stephanie Earls. Contact Information here.

Anyone who has information relevant to tsunami science, mapping, modeling, mitigation, education, warning and alerts, or related content should contact the Editor regarding submission guidelines and schedule.

This newsletter has been written and produced since January, 1999. The archive of these newsletters is here.