Public Law 115-25, Tsunami, Warning, Education, and Research Act of 2017 (TWERA), states:
§3204. National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program
(c) Program components
The Program conducted under subsection (a) shall include the following:
(1) Technical and financial assistance to coastal States, territories, tribes, and local governments to develop and implement activities under this section.
Financial assistance is provided via NOAA/NWS Financial Assistance for Tsunami Activities to states, territories, and state universities with representatives who serve on the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) Coordinating Committee. In turn, those eligible recipients may provide subawards to local governments and quasi-government agencies.
Tribes (see "Definitions") with land within a tsunami inundation zone are eligible to participate in the NOAA/NWS Financial Assistance for Tsunami Activities Grant Program directly. Instructions are below.
A local government is defined as a county or municipality (borough, city, town, township, or village). Local government status extends to quasi-government entities like a port authority that operates harbor and/or port operations.
A quasi-government entity is defined as a port or harbor authority or park authority that has a coastline within a designated tsunami inundation zone or a harbor with open ocean access and that operates in the public interest.
A tribe is defined for this grant-making process as being on the list published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA): "Indian Entities Recognized and Eligible to Receive Services from the United States Bureau of Indian Affairs."
Throughout this document, the word "state" will refer to and include any of the eligible states (see "Eligibility") as well as the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The District of Columbia is not included among the 28 states that compose the NTHMP per terms of TWERA.
Financial assistance grants ("grants") are awarded by NOAA and are technically supervised by NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS). As such, these federal government grants are available for award or subaward only to entities within the United States and its territories and that are within the NTHMP designated 28-member zone. (See NTHMP Rules of Procedure, Appendix A.)
Eligible entities:
Entities not eligible to participate in the grant process:
A tribe, local government, or quasi-government authority wishing to apply for financial assistance for tsunami programs must:
*Grant funds flow through a state or territory to local governments or quasi-government public authorities that are treated as subaward recipients of a U.S. state or territory agency or institution.
For local government or quasi-government entities, the state or territory in which the entity is located must have the capability to grant a subaward, which is the only mechanism by which grant funds may flow to local governments or quasi-government authorities.
To begin the application process, contact the Principle Investigator (Tsunami Grant PI) for the state or territory of your geographic location. Discuss how your entity's idea or project fits within the tsunami-related priorities of the state where you are located. It is always best to coordinate with state tsunami program activities and plans for consistency and to comply with the language of TWERA: §3204 (c)(3), "Coordination with other Federal preparedness and mitigation programs (i.e., grants to states for tsunami activities) to leverage Federal investment, avoid duplication, and maximize effort."
If the coordination process outlined above indicates that your idea or project has merit:
Obtain backup documentation that justifies cost estimates and breakdowns/details, if available (e.g., price quotes from vendors, copies of email dialogue about cost estimates and pricing, etc.)
A grant proposal packages consist of a project narrative, budget narrative, budget explanation, and a copy of the negotiated indirect cost rate agreement (NICRA), if entity has one. Templates for the project narrative, budget narrative, and budget explanation are available upon request. Letter(s) of support are not required, but can be submitted to demonstrate support and coordination and will be considered during proposal review.
Note: This schedule is subject to change based on congressional budget appropriations or other unforeseeable factors.
October until as late as December 31:
November to January: The receiving entity provides feedback to the applicant about the grant proposal. The following criteria are considered:
State/territory Tsunami Grant PIs may serve or appoint a team for further review and vetting of grant proposals, as long as results of the vetting process are provided to the NWS on or before December 31.
If a local government/quasi-government authority grant proposal merits consideration for inclusion in the NTHMP state partner's full application, that partner will explain further requirements and the process that will follow on the National Grant Schedule.
The amount of financial assistance available through grants depends on what Congress appropriates to the Department of Commerce National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its National Weather Service.
Financial assistance is awarded as grants to state or territory governmental agencies or to Indian tribal governments that are registered in the NOAA grants system. State and territory governmental agencies may issue subawards to eligible local governments or quasi-governmental entities.
There is no cost sharing or matching required for these grants; however, cash or in-kind match support is important to identify if provided, because activities where there are matching funds available are awarded bonus points on score sheets during the proposal review by the Federal Grant Review Panel.
Local government and quasi-government representatives can get more information from your respective state, territory, or regional representative who serves on the NTHMP Coordinating Committee or from a Tsunami Grant PI.
Representatives from tribes can get more information by contacting a state or regional partner or by sending an email to