National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Possible Record Breaking Warmth in the Western U.S.; Elevated to Critical Fire Weather in the Eastern U.S.

Anomalously warm temperatures over the western U.S. today and Wednesday may break or tie current high and warm low records. In the East, dry conditions and gusty winds are bringing elevated fire weather to parts of the Eastern U.S. with critical fire weather in the southern Appalachians. Read More >

Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook

Product Suite Last Updated:     Monday May 31, 2021     04:02 AM
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Severe Thunderstorm Risk
Current Time - 7 AM
24 Hr. Hazards
Day 1
Spotter Outlook
Thunderstorm Wind Gust
Severe Thunderstorms
Fire Weather (RFTI)
Non Thunderstorm Winds
Excessive Heat
Snow & Sleet
Ice Accumulation
Frost & Freeze
Excessive Cold
Spotter Outlook         Severe Thunderstorm Safety Tips
Risk Level
Severe thunderstorms are not expected today or tonight.
Severe Thunderstorms Possible
Severe thunderstorms will be possible today or tonight and spotters may be needed.
The Spotter Outlook is a resource for municipalities, counties, and SKYWARN storm spotters to plan for possible storm spotter activation on the current calendar day.
Tornado Risk Legend         Tornado Safety Tips
 Risk Level
No tornado risk.
Probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a point: less than 10 percent.
Be aware of where your closest interior shelter is located.
Probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 10 percent.
Be prepared to move to the closest strong interior shelter if you are in a vulnerable location: outdoors, in a motor vehicle, mobile home, or other vulnerable structure.
Probability of a tornado within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 30 percent.
Plan to move to your closest strong interior shelter if you are in a vulnerable location: outdoors, in a motor vehicle, mobile home, or other vulnerable structure.
Probability of a  tornado within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 45 percent.
Plan to move to your closest strong interior shelter if you are in a vulnerable location: outdoors, in a motor vehicle, mobile home, or other vulnerable structure.
Hail Risk Legend         Severe Thunderstorm Safety Tips
Risk Level
No risk of hail.
Risk of sub-severe hail (less than 1")
Probability of severe hail (1" or greater) within 25 miles of a point: less than 15%
Be aware of potential need to move vehicles, people, and animals for protection.
Probability of severe hail (1" or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 15%
Be prepared to move vehicles, people, and animals for protection.
Probability of severe hail (1" or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 45%
Plan to move vehicles, people, and animals for protection.
Probability of severe hail (1" or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 60%
Plan to move vehicles, people, and animals for protection.
Thunderstorm Wind Gust Risk Legend         Severe Thunderstorm Safety Tips
Risk Level
No thunderstorm wind risk.
Risk for sub-severe wind gusts (less than 58 mph)
Probability of severe wind gusts (58 mph or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Less than 15%
Be prepared to secure unsecured property to prevent wind damage.
Probability of severe wind gusts (58 mph or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 15%
Be prepared to secure unsecured property to prevent wind damage. Prepare to move to an interior shelter.
Probability of severe wind gusts (58 mph or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 45%
Plan to secure unsecured property to prevent wind damage. Plan to move to an interior shelter.
Probability of severe wind gusts (58 mph or greater) within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 60%
Plan to secure unsecured property to prevent wind damage. Plan to move to an interior shelter.
Severe Thunderstorm Legend         Severe Thunderstorm Safety Tips
Risk Level
Definition Severe Thunderstorm Risk Day 2 to 7
No risk of severe thunderstorms.
Risk for severe thunderstorms with the
Probability of severe thunderstorms* within 25 miles of a point: Less than 15%
Review weather safety tips and emergency kit.
Probability of severe thunderstorms* within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 15%
Review weather safety tips and emergency kit. Identify closest safe shelter.
Probability of severe thunderstorms* within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 45%
Review weather safety tips and emergency kit. Identify closest safe shelter.
Probability of severe thunderstorms* within 25 miles of a point: Equal to or greater than 60%
Review weather safety tips and emergency kit. Identify closest safe shelter.
Lightning Legend         Lightning Safety Tips
Risk Level
No lightning risk
Thunderstorms expected to be isolated to scattered in coverage. 
Atmospheric conditions support cloud to ground lightning strikes in and near thunderstorms.
Be aware for thunderstorms in your area.
Thunderstorms expected to be numerous in coverage.
  Atmospheric conditions support cloud to ground lightning strikes in and near thunderstorms.
Be prepared to take immediate shelter from thunderstorms and lightning.
Widespread thunderstorms are expected.
  Atmospheric conditions support cloud to ground lightning strikes in and near thunderstorms.
Plan to take immediate shelter from thunderstorms and lightning.
Thunderstorms are expected with nearly continuous cloud to ground lightning strikes in and near thunderstorms.
Plan to stop all outdoor activity and move to shelters. Remain in shelters until all danger of wind and lightning has passed.
Flooding Legend         Flooding Safety Tips
Risk Level
No Flooding risk.
Risk of localized flash flooding of small streams and low water crossings, and minor flooding of poor drainage or urban areas.
Be aware of flood prone areas and potential to change your driving course if roadways flood.
Risk of flash flooding of several low water crossings, roads, and small streams,
Minor River Flooding.
Be prepared to move away from flood prone areas. If you observe flooded roadways, be prepared to change your driving course.
Risk of flash flooding of numerous roads, low water crossings, and small streams,
Moderate river flooding.
Plan to move away from flood prone areas. If you observe flooded roadways, change your driving course or stay off roads completely.
Risk of widespread flash flooding of low water crossings, roads, and small streams.
Major river flooding.
Plan to move away from flood prone areas. If you observe flooded roadways, change your driving course or stay off roads completely.
Fire Weather Legend         Wildfire Weather Safety Tips
Risk Level
The forecast combination of relative humidity and winds limit wildfire potential, except in record fuel dryness levels.
Low critical fire weather conditions are forecast due to a combination of low relative humidity and wind. This along with critically dry fuel levels can increase the wildfire potential.
High-level critical fire weather conditions are forecast due to a combination of low relative humidity and wind. Moderately dry fuels can be over come by the weather resulting in an increased wildfire potential. When combined with unseasonably warm temperatures numerous fires can occur.
Extremely Critical
Extremely critical fire weather conditions exist due to low relative humidity and strong winds. This along with sufficiently dry fuels can lead to a high potential for dangerous wildfires, some large and hard to control and outbreaks can occur in this type of weather.
Historically Critical
Extremely critical fire weather conditions are rarely experienced. These weather conditions along with sufficiently dry fuels can result in outbreaks of fires, some long lived.
The Red Flag Threat Index (RFTI) is a simple index derived from expected relative humidity and wind speed values to quantify the severity of critical fire weather condition. In general, lower relative humidities and higher winds contribute to higher RFTI calculations. Do more details about the RFTI, please refer to the Modified RFTI primer.
Red Flag Threat Index Legend         Wildfire Weather Safety Tips         Red Flag Threat Index
Risk Level
The forecast combination of relative humidity and winds limit wildfire potential, except in record fuel dryness levels.
Low critical fire weather conditions are forecast due to a combination of low relative humidity and wind. This along with critically dry fuel levels can increase the wildfire potential.
High-level critical fire weather conditions are forecast due to a combination of low relative humidity and wind. Moderately dry fuels can be over come by the weather resulting in an increased wildfire potential. When combined with unseasonably warm temperatures numerous fires can occur.
Extremely Critical
Extremely critical fire weather conditions exist due to low relative humidity and strong winds. This along with sufficiently dry fuels can lead to a high potential for dangerous wildfires, some large and hard to control and outbreaks can occur in this type of weather.
Historically Critical
Extremely critical fire weather conditions are rarely experienced. These weather conditions along with sufficiently dry fuels can result in outbreaks of fires, some long lived.
The Red Flag Threat Index (RFTI) is a simple index derived from expected relative humidity and wind speed values to quantify the severity of critical fire weather condition. In general, lower relative humidities and higher winds contribute to higher RFTI calculations. Do more details about the RFTI, please refer to the Modified RFTI primer.
Fog Legend         Fog Safety Tips
Risk Level
No risk of fog.
Fog with visibilities less than or equal to 1 mile.
Fog with visibilities less than or equal to 1/2 mile
Fog with visibilities less than or equal to 1/4 mile.
Fog with near zero visibilities.
Non Thunderstorm Wind Legend         Wind Safety Tips     Boating Safety Tips
Risk Level

Sustained winds < 20 mph
Wind gusts < 30 mph.

Sustained winds 20-29 mph
Wind gusts 30-44 mph.
Be aware that unsecured property may need to be secured from potential wind damage.
Sustained winds 30-39 mph
Wind gusts 45-57 mph.
Be prepared to secure unsecured property from potential wind damage.
Sustained winds 40-49 mph
Wind gusts 58-64 mph.
Plan to secure unsecured property from potential wind damage and move people and animals to interior shelters
Sustained winds > 50 mph
Wind gusts > 65 mph.
Secure unsecured property from potential wind damage and move people and animals to interior shelters.
Excessive Heat Legend         Excessive Heat Safety Tips
Risk Level
Maximum Temperature < 100 (90 in the mountains).
Maximum Temperature 100 to 102 (90 to 92 in the mountains).
Sunstroke, muscle cramps and/or heat exhaustion possible with prolonged exposure. Be aware to stay hydrated and seek air conditioned locations if needed. Identify air conditioned locations to move to.
Maximum Temperature 103 to 107 (93 to 97 in the mountains).
Sunstroke, muscle cramps and/or heat exhaustion likely with prolonged exposure. Be prepared to stay hydrated and seek air conditioned locations if needed.
Maximum Temperature 108 to 112 (98 to 102 in the mountains).
Sunstroke, muscle cramps and/or heat exhaustion likely with prolonged exposure. Stay hydrated and seek air conditioned locations if needed.
Maximum Temperature greater than or equal to 113 (103 in the mountains).
Sunstroke, muscle cramps and/or heat exhaustion likely. Stay hydrated and seek air conditioned locations if needed.
Apparent Temperature is defined as:
  Wind Chill Temperature during the cold season.
  Heat Index Temperature during the warm season.
Snow and Sleet Legend         Winter Weather Safety Tips
Risk Level
No snow or sleet.
Snow and/or sleet with less than 1 inch of accumulation expected.
Be aware of locally hazardous travel conditions on bridges, overpasses, and untreated or secondary roads.
Snow and/or sleet with 1 to 1.9 inches of accumulation expected.
Be prepared to reduce travel speed for hazardous travel conditions especially on bridges, overpasses, untreated and secondary roads.
Snow and/or sleet with 2 to 5.9 inches of accumulation expected.
Plan for hazardous travel conditions. Avoid travel if possible.
Snow and/or sleet with greater than or equal to 6 inches of accumulation expected.
Travel will be dangerous and may be impossible. Avoid travel unless it is an emergency.
Ice Accumulation Legend         Winter Weather Safety Tips
Risk Level
No freezing rain or drizzle.
Very light freezing rain or drizzle with up to a thin glaze, OR Freezing Fog.
Be aware of locally hazardous travel conditions on bridges, overpasses, and untreated or secondary roads.
Freezing rain or drizzle with accumulation less than 1/4 inch.
Be prepared to reduce travel speed for hazardous travel conditions especially on bridges, overpasses, untreated and secondary roads.
Freezing rain with accumulation of 1/4 inch to less than 1 inch.
Plan for hazardous travel conditions. Powelines and trees may be damaged resulting in localized to scattered power outages. Avoid travel if possible and prepare for possible power outages.
Freezing rain with accumulation of greater than or equal to 1 inch.
Travel will be dangerous and may be impossible. Powerlines and trees likely damaged resulting in widespread power outages. Avoid travel unless it is an emergency and prepare for extended power outages.
Frost and Freeze Legend
Risk Level
No danger of frost or freeze causing damage to vegetation.
Patchy frost during the growing season with minor damage to unprotected vegetation.
Be aware that vegetation may need to be protected.
Frost expected during the growing season with damage to unprotected vegetation. 
This may include temperatures less than or equal to 32 degrees F for less than 3 hours.
Be prepared to protect vegetation.
Freeze expected (less than or equal to 32 degrees F for 3 or more hours) during the growing season with significant damage to unprotected vegetation.
Protect vegetation.
Hard freeze (less than or equal to 28 degrees F) during the growing season with catastrophic damage to unprotected vegetation.
Protect vegetation when watches and warnings are issued.
Excessive Cold Legend         Extreme Cold Safety Tips
Risk Level
Minimum apparent temperature greater than or equal to 32 degrees F.
Minimum apparent temperature 25 to 31 degrees F.
Frostbite and hypothermia may occur with prolonged exposure without proper clothing. Be aware to have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure if possible.
Minimum apparent temperature 13 to 24 degrees F.
Frostbite and hypothermia could occur within 30 minutes without proper clothing. Be prepared to have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure if possible.
Minimum apparent temperature 7 to 12 degrees F.
Frostbite and hypothermia will likely occur within minutes without proper clothing. Have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure.
Minimum apparent temperature less than or equal to 6 degrees F.
Frostbite and hypothermia will occur within minutes without proper clothing. Have proper clothing for exposure and limit or eliminate exposure.
Apparent Temperature is defined as:
  Wind Chill Temperature during the cold season.
  Heat Index Temperature during the warm season.

The Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook is an experimental product that will be posted to this page for evaluation. We encourage your comments or suggestions for improvements using the electronic survey provided. Your feedback will help us determine product utility, if modifications are needed, and whether the product should become part of our operational suite. | Product Description Document

The Experimental Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook is a decision support service that supports preparedness and response efforts prior to and during hazardous weather.  This service provides decision makers with convenient access to potential weather hazard information by graphically depicting the risk of weather hazards out through seven days.