National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Potent Storm to Impact Most of the Country This Week

Multitude of significant hazards are in the forecast this week across the country. Severe thunderstorms are expected for the eastern third of the country through mid-week. Record warmth expected across the Deep South and Southeast. Excessive rainfall potential increases for the Ohio and Mississippi Valley. Winter storm for the Sierra Nevada and Intermountain West, spreading to Northern Plains. Read More >

Annual Temperature 1931-2023
Midland, Texas
Average Annual Temperature = 65.8 F
Year AVG Year AVG Year AVG
1930 inc 1931 62.6 F 1932 61.2 F
1933 64.5 F 1934 65.2 F 1935 62.9 F
1936 62.1 F 1937 63.0 F 1938 63.6 F
1939 63.6 F 1940 62.9 F 1941 62.3 F
1942 62.9 F 1943 63.9 F 1944 63.1 F
1945 64.3 F 1946 66.0 F 1947 63.7 F
1948 64.4 F 1949 63.2 F 1950 65.2 F
1951 64.4 F 1952 64.4 F 1953 65.5 F
1954 65.5 F 1955 64.2 F 1956 64.7 F
1957 63.3 F 1958 62.3 F 1959 62.5 F
1960 63.0 F 1961 62.3 F 1962 64.5 F
1963 64.8 F 1964 65.9 F 1965 63.7 F
1966 62.1 F 1967 63.4 F 1968 61.8 F
1969 63.1 F 1970 62.4 F 1971 63.0 F
1972  62. 7 F 1973 61.4 F 1974 64.7 F
1975 63.1 F 1976 62.0 F 1977 65.7 F
1978 62.2 F 1979 62.3 F 1980 62.1 F
1981 64.0 F 1982 63.6 F 1983 63.5 F
1984 62.8 F 1985 63.0 F 1986 63.8 F
1987 61.7 F 1988 62.1 F 1989 63.4 F
1990 64.3 F 1991 63.0 F 1992 62.6 F
1993 62.8 F 1994 64.8 F 1995 64.4 F
1996 64.6 F 1997 62.6 F 1998 66.3 F
1999 65.4 F 2000 65.4 F 2001 64.8 F
 2002 63.7 F 2003  65.0 F 2004 63.5 F
 2005 63.8 F 2006  65.3 F 2007 63.0 F
 2008 64.1 F 2009  64.6 F 2010 63.8 F
 2011 66.6 F 2012  67.0 F 2013 64.8 F
 2014 65.4 F 2015  65.0 F 2016 67.3 F
 2017 67.5 F 2018  66.4 F 2019 66.0 F
2020 66.5 F 2021  64.3 F 2022 64.8 F
2023 66.9 F