Going Somewhere? |
If you have travel plans, you might want to check the weather forecast for your destination...or points along the way. |
Selected Cities Data/Maps |
Pick Your Forecast |
In the picture: Forecasts can be obtained by entering a "City, St" or zip code. |
The National Weather Service has a window (found on its local office homepages) where you can get a forecast by plugging in a "City, St" or zip code and clicking "Go". This will get you a quick 7 day outlook with current conditions, radar and satellite pictures.
7 Day Outlook (the "City, St" or zip code method) |
Click a location below for detailed forecast. |
7 Day Outlook for Cities in Arkansas |
7 Day Outlook for U.S. Cities |
Links of Interest |
Road Conditions from IDriveArkansas (Winter) |
What is on the Road? (examples: clear, slush, ice patches, ice, snow) |
Note: When there are issues on the roads, click on affected routes(s) for more information (such as extent of route covered by snow/ice). |
Understanding Route Conditions (interpreting snow/ice coverage on roads) |