National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Decision Support
This page is designed for the Arkansas Emergency Management community as a one stop shop for pertinent weather information. 
Hazardous Weather in Arkansas
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Point Forecasts
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Active Hazards for Counties in Arkansas
Note: For help locating parts of counties in the list above, click here.
Weather Maps
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Maps Every 6 to 12 Hours
U.S. Temperatures
Latest Hourly Temperatures
Radar Data
Severe Weather
Long Term Severe Weather Outlooks
Day 3 | Day 3 (Arkansas Only) | Days 4-8
Storm Reports from Offices Serving Arkansas
Local Storm Reports (Today) | Local Storm Reports (Yesterday)
Heavy Rain/Flooding
Long Term Precipitation Forecasts
Days 1-3 | Days 4-5 | Days 6-7 | Days 1-5 | Days 1-7
Significant River Flooding in Arkansas
Arkansas/Red River Basins | Black/White/Ouachita River Basins
Rivers at a Glance
Little Rock Hydrologic Area Hydrographs
Little Rock Hydrologic Area River Monitor (colorized chart showing expected levels on area tributaries)
Monitor Streamflow (25th to 75th percentile is normal)
Winter Weather
Forecast Snow/Ice and IDriveArkansas Links
Expected Snow Accumulations | Expected Ice Accruals
What is on the Road? (examples: clear, slush, ice patches, ice, snow)
Note: When there are issues on the roads, click on affected routes(s) for more information (such as extent of route covered by snow/ice).
Understanding Route Conditions (interpreting snow/ice coverage on roads)
Arkansas Forestry Commission/Heat Links
Wildfire Danger | Burn Bans | Mean Heat Index Forecast