TTAA00 KLIT 271100
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Little Rock AR
600 AM CDT Thu Mar 27 2025
...Today's Topic for Flood Safety Awareness Week is National
Weather Service Water Resources...
The National Weather Service, in cooperation with the Arkansas
Division of Emergency Management, has proclaimed the week of
March 23rd through 29th as Flood Safety Awareness Week in Arkansas.
Each day during the week will feature information about a
different flood related topic.
...National Weather Service Water Resources...
The NWS homepage (www.weather.gov) provides up to date weather and
water advisory, watch, and warning information for the U.S. and
its territories. However, the NWS provides many additional resources
to help emergency managers, public officials, and private citizens
make water decisions.
National Water Prediction Service (NWPS)
The NWS has developed a new web interface for dissemination of its
water prediction information. The new gateway, NWPS, is designed to
make it easier for our partners and the public to access expanded
river forecast information, observed water and precipitation data,
and other resources, including flood inundation maps. An Application
Programming Interface (API) capability is added to allow improved
user access to core data sets. NWPS includes new tools such as
dynamic real-time flood inundation mapping, greatly expanding the
amount of information for making critical neighborhood scale water
Flood Inundation Mapping
The FIM services provided by the NWS include three distinct products
provided in near-real-time, representing the analysis of the latest
inundation extent and forecasts of maximum inundation over the
subsequent five-day period. The National Water Model (NWM) will
provide the discharge information from which the inundation extent
will be derived for the analysis FIM and for one of the forecast FIM
products. The NWS River Forecast Center (RFC) models will provide the
discharge information for the other forecast FIM product. Inundation
extent is determined for each river or stream reach defined in the
NWM river network, which is derived from the National Hydrography
Dataset Plus (NHDPlus) for river and stream topology.
Weather Prediction Center (WPC) Precipitation Forecasts
WPC provides precipitation forecasts for the entire U.S. and issues
excessive rainfall forecasts, short range discussions on heavy
rainfall events, and snowfall and freezing rain probabilities.
The Office of Water Prediction (OWP)
The Office of Water Prediction (OWP) collaboratively researches,
develops, and delivers state-of-the-science national hydrologic
analyses, forecast information, data, decision-support services and
guidance to support and inform essential emergency services and water
management decisions. In partnership with NWS national, regional,
and local offices, the OWP coordinates, integrates and supports
consistent water prediction activities from global to local levels.
NWS River Forecast Centers (RFCs)
The NWS has a network of thirteen River Forecast Centers (RFC)
across the United States. These RFCs collect, process, and provide
water resource and river forecasts and information for major river
There are two RFCs that service Arkansas. These are the Lower
Mississippi River Forecast Center and the Arkansas-Red Basin River
Forecast Center.
LMRFC covers the Lower Mississippi, White, Black, and Ouachita
River Basins.
ABRFC covers the lower Arkansas River and its tributaries.
On this page, you will find information on what to do before,
during, and after a flood. www.weather.gov/safety/flood
Staying aware of an evolving weather situation can help you prepare
when flooding or other weather hazards impact your area. Be a Force
of Nature! www.weather.gov/wrn/
To contact us, email Senior Service Hydrologist Tabitha Clarke at
the National Weather Service in Little Rock. Her address is