National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
NWS Jackson, KY Weather Story Graphic
Day 1 National Weather Map

Click on Graphic for More Details
Day 1 Max Temp Day 2 Max Temp Day 3 Max Temp Day 1 Min Temp Day 2 Min Temp
72 Hr Precip Forecast 72 Hr Snowfall Forecast 72 Hr Ice Forecast 72 Hr Max Wind Gust Forecast

Forecast Graphics

Choose a forecast product type (temperature, wind, cloud cover, etc) and desired time from the menu/slider bars at the top of the map. The map will update automatically. Use your mouse to zoom into/pan around on the map.

Hourly Weather Forecast Information

Hourly Weather Graph Hourly Tabular Data Precipitation Timing & Amounts Hourly Forecast Graphics

Medium and Long Range Outlooks

6-10 Day Temperature Outlook (CPC)
6-10 Day Precipitation Outlook (CPC)
8-14 Day Temperature Outlook (CPC)
8-14 Day Precipitation Outlook (CPC)
**Experimental** Week 3-4 Temperature Outlook (CPC)
**Experimental** Week 3-4 Precipitation Outlook (CPC)
One Month Temperature Outlook (CPC)
One Month Precipitation Outlook (CPC)
Three Month Temperature Outlook (CPC)
Three Month Precipitation Outlook (CPC)

Additional Resources