National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



You have probably seen our Dual-Pol radar imagery on our website, or by watching your local television channel (which often times uses a combination of their own on-station radar and the NWS radars mosaicked together). It may seem as though the radar is fairly “hands off”, however, in actuality it is imperative that we keep a close eye on the system to ensure that everything is working as it should.  In addition to these interface checks done by the forecasters (today we have Kevin performing the checklist duties), our office also houses an entire electronics staff who make sure the actual radar is working properly at all times and provide routine maintenance as needed. During high impact events, having this radar is imperative in sending out timely and accurate warnings!


Day 7: Aviation Forecasting

Day 6: River Monitoring

Day 5: Training

Day 4: Issuing Severe Weather Warnings

Day 3: Analyzing Weather Data

Day 2: Weather Observations

Day 1: Introduction