Jackson, KY
Weather Forecast Office
Weather observations are taken by forecasters and HMTs every six hours every day of the year. We will measure liquid precipitation, air temperature, and in the winter time we will also measure 6 hour snowfall and total snow depth. Shown here is our observation site (A and B), and our HMT Tabitha taking a rainfall measurement (C). After this is completed, we will review our temperatures using our Nimbus thermometer/display (D) as well as our automated weather station information (ASOS) (E). All measurements are then recorded (F) and sent to the web (G) for further use. If you would like to become part of a network of volunteer citizen observers, consider joining CoCoRaHs! https://www.cocorahs.org/application.aspx
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Temp/Precip Summary
How Much Rain Fell?
How Much Snow Fell?
Past Weather Events
Drought Information
Local Coop Observers
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Jackson, KY
1329 Airport Road
Jackson, KY 41339
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