National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Hurricane Ida made landfall in Louisiana at 11:55am CDT on August 29th. From there it continued to slowly move inland and northward. By late morning on August 30th, it had reached southwest Mississippi. A large amount of moisture was pulled from the Gulf northward with this system and made its way to Kentucky. This was exacerbated by a frontal boundary that was stalled north of the Ohio River, keeping Kentucky in the warm and moist sector. Showers and thunderstorms developed across portions of the East Kentucky Coalfields by mid-morning. The most persistent and intense storms occurred over Pike County between 9 AM and 11 AM and had very little forward motion. Rainfall rates under the heaviest activity approached 3 inches for one hour at the peak of the event. This led to flash flooding which blocked multiple roadways. High water rescues were performed along Stonecoal Road as the flood waters rose. Fortunately, no fatalities were reported. When encountering water over the road, remember to TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN! The Blackberry Fire Department chief also reported that flood waters entered one of their fire stations.

Water Rescue in Progress Along Stone Coal Rd.
(Courtesy of Dillon Gaudett)
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