National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


A complex of showers and thunderstorms developed across the Midwestern U.S. in the afternoon and later pushed through eastern Kentucky during the late evening and overnight hours. Initially, a few embedded supercell thunderstorms produced large hail due to their rotation and stronger updrafts. Damaging wind gusts ended up being the primary threat across eastern Kentucky as these features became organized into line segments later into the night.

Numerous reports of downed trees and power lines were received across southeastern Kentucky where the greatest amount of instability was present. Homes in Leslie, Letcher, and Pike Counties suffered extensive damage from trees falling onto them, including one at Willow Tree Hollow near Marrowbone and Regina southeast of Pikeville that led to an injury to a person inside. More scattered wind damage was also reported up toward and north of Mountain Parkway as individual storm cells embedded within the larger line intensified.

Tree on top of a home at Willow Tree Hollow in Pike County
(Courtesy of Doug Tackett)


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