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Journal Articles
Research papers by current and past members of the NWS GSP staff
Northwest Flow Aspects of Hurricane Sandy. Steve Keighton, Douglas K. Miller, David Hotz, Patrick D. Moore, L. Baker Perry, Laurence G. Lee, and Daniel T. Martin, Wea. Forecasting 2016, 31:1, 173-195, December 2015.
- A Collaborative Approach to Study Northwest Flow Snow in the Southern Appalachians. Steve Keighton, Laurence Lee, Blair Holloway, David Hotz, Steven Zubrick, Jeffrey Hovis, Gary Votaw, L. Baker Perry, Gary Lackmann, Sandra E. Yuter, Charles Konrad, Douglas Miller, and Brian Etherton, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 979-991.
- Geologic, geomorphic, and meteorological aspects of debris flows triggered by Hurricanes Frances and Ivan during September 2004 in the Southern Appalachian Mountains of Macon County, North Carolina (southeastern USA). - R. M. Wooten, K. A. Gillon, A. C. Witt, R. S. Latham, T. J. Douglas, J. B. Bauer, S. J. Fuemmeler, and Laurence G. Lee - Landslides. Springer - Verlag, Vol. 5, February 2008.
- Rainfall characteristics associated with the remnants of Tropical Storm Helene in upstate South Carolina -Carlton W. Ulbrich and Laurence G. Lee -Weather and Forecasting. American Meteorological Society, Vol. 17, December 2002.
- Model representation of freezing and melting precipitation: Implications for winter weather forecasting -Gary M. Lackmann, Kermit Keeter, Laurence G. Lee, and Michael B. Ek -Weather and Forecasting. American Meteorological Society, Vol. 17, October 2002.
- Rainfall measurement error by WSR-88D radars due to variations in Z-R law parameters and the radar constant -Carlton W. Ulbrich and Laurence G. Lee -Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology American Meteorological Society, Vol. 16, August 1999.
NWS Eastern Region Technical Attachments -
- A study of three-quarter inch hail reports in Upstate South Carolina - 1988 to 1994 -Eastern Region General Interest Paper - Wayne Jones -1999
- Isentropic Analysis Applications in Forecasting Low-Level Clouds -Eastern Region General Interest Paper - Kenneth James -1997
Conference Papers and Presentations
- An Examination of Preliminary Local Storm Reports during the Historic South Carolina Rainfall Event September 30, 2015 - October 6, 2015. Neil Dixon - 41st Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA
- Social Media Analysis of the October 2015 South Carolina Floods. Sandy LaCorte, Neil Dixon, Trisha D. Palmer, S. Hunter Coleman, Emily Timte - 41st Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA
- National Weather Service Impact-Based Decision Support Services Provided During the October 2015 South Carolina Floods. Sandy LaCorte, Neil Dixon, Trisha D. Palmer, S. Hunter Coleman, Emily Timte - 41st Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Norfolk, VA
- Social Media Dashboard -- A Locally Developed Application. Neil Dixon - 2014. 39th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. Abstract
- Overview of the 28 January 2014 Southeast Winter Storm. Trisha D. Palmer, S. Hunter Coleman, Patrick D. Moore, Adam K. Baker, Jason T. Deese, Jessica L. Fieux, Alexander R. Gibbs, Steven E. Nelson, and Keith M. Stellman - 2014. 39th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Overview of the 11-13 February 2014 Winter Storm across the Southeast. Trisha D. Palmer, S. Hunter Coleman, Patrick D. Moore, Adam K. Baker, Jason T. Deese, Jessica L. Fieux, Alexander R. Gibbs, Steven E. Nelson, and Keith M. Stellman - 2014. 39th Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- An Investigation of a Convective Snow Event Over Upstate South Carolina on 16 February 2013. - Patrick D. Moore - 2014. 71st Eastern Snow Conference, Boone, NC.
- Coupling atmospheric and hydrological modeling toward flash flood forecast improvement: An HMT-Southeast case study from the 2013 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Forecast Experiment. Kelly M. Mahoney, and F. E. Barthold, D. J. Gochis, J. J. Gourley, T. E. Workoff, L. Bernardet, James Oh, R. Cifelli, and E. Sukovich - 2014. 94th Amer. Met. Soc. Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
- Overview of the 2009-2010 Snow Season in the Southern Appalachian Mountains. - L. Baker Perry, David Hotz, Stephen Keighton, Laurence G. Lee, J. Dobson, D. Hall, and Charles E. Konrad - 2010. 67th Eastern Snow Conference, Hancock, MA.
- Snowfall Accumulation forecasting challenges for the southern Applachians. - Douglas K. Miller, L. Baker Perry, Sandra E. Yuter, Laurence G. Lee and Stephen Keighton - 2008. 33rd Natl. Wea. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY.
- Synoptic Classification of Snowfall Events in the Great Smoky Mountains, USA. - L. Baker Perry, Charles E. Konrad, David Hotz, and Laurence G. Lee - 2007. 64th Eastern Snow Conference, St. Johns, NL.
- Short-term forecasting of tornadic environments in the complex terrain of western North Carolina - Harry Gerapetritis - Preprints, 20th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Orlando, FL, American Meteorological Society, 567-570.
- Characteristics of WSR-88D velocity and reflectivity patterns associated with a cold season non-supercell tornado in upstate South Carolina - Laurence G. Lee and Wayne A. Jones - 1998, Preprints, 19th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Minneapolis, MN, American Meteorological Society, 151-154.
- Comparison of reflectivity factors determined from disdrometer and WSR-88D measurements in upstate South Carolina - Carlton W. Ulbrich, Joseph M. Pelissier, and Laurence G. Lee - 1997, Preprints, 28th Conference on Radar Meteorology, Austin, TX, American Meteorological Society, 382-383.
- Effects of variations in Z-R law parameters and the radar constant on rainfall rates measured by WSR-88D radars - Carlton W. Ulbrich, Joseph M. Pelissier, and Laurence G. Lee - 1996, Preprints, 15th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Norfolk, VA, American Meteorological Society 316-319.
Past Weather Events
Brief reviews of significant weather events in our county warning area