National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Rain and Mountain Snow in the Pacific Northwest; Severe Weather Along the Gulf Coast

Across the Pacific Northwest, Pacific moisture will continue to bring moderate to locally heavy rainfall to lower elevations and heavy snow to the northern Cascades into the northern Rockies. Severe thunderstorms are possible from southern Louisiana eastward to the Florida Panhandle and southern Georgia. Warm spring-like temperatures will expand over the western and central U.S. this week. Read More >

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Lake Forecast Points
Lake Adger Graphical Forecast
Lake Bowen Graphical Forecast
Lake Burton Graphical Forecast
Fontana Lake Graphical Forecast
Lake Glenville Graphical Forecast
Lake Greenwood Graphical Forecast
Lake Hartwell Graphical Forecast
High Rock Lake Graphical Forecast
Lake James Graphical Forecast
Lake Jocassee Graphical Forecast
Lake Keowee Graphical Forecast
Lake Lure Graphical Forecast
Nantahala Lake Graphical Forecast
Lake Norman Graphical Forecast
Lake Russell Graphical Forecast
Santeetlah Lake Graphical Forecast
Lake Toxaway Graphical Forecast
Lake Wylie Graphical Forecast
Lake Forecast Images
  • Period 1 Forecast
  • Period 2 Forecast
  • Period 3 Forecast