Latest Drought Monitor for Iowa - Courtesy US Drought Monitor
Drought Monitor Class Change - 1 Week - Courtesy US Drought Monitor
Drought Monitor Class Change - 1 Month - Courtesy US Drought Monitor
Drought Monitor Class Change - 3 Months - Courtesy US Drought Monitor
Drought Monitor Class Change - 6 Months - Courtesy US Drought Monitor
6-10 Day Temperature Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
6-10 Day Precipitation Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
8-14 Day Temperature Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
8-14 Day Precipitation Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
1 Month Day Temperature Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
1 Month Day Precipitation Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
3 Months Temperature Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
3 Months Precipitation Outlook - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
USGS Latest Monthly Streamflow Compared to Historical Streamflow - Basins - Courtesy USGS
USGS Latest Monthly Streamflow Compared to Historical Streamflow - Gages - Courtesy USGS
Soil Moisture Percentiles - NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center
Saylorville Lake Level/Forecast - Courtesy US Army Corp of Engineers
Lake Red Rock Level/Forecast - Courtesy US Army Corp of Engineers
30 Day Departure from Normal Temperature - Courtesy HPRCC
30 Day Departure from Normal Precipitation - Courtesy HPRCC
30 Day Percent of Normal Precipitation - Courtesy HPRCC
60 Day Departure from Normal Temperature - Courtesy HPRCC
30 Day Departure from Normal Precipitation - Courtesy HPRCC
60 Day Percent of Normal Precipitation - Courtesy HPRCC
180 Day Departure from Normal Precipitation - Courtesy HPRCC
180 Day Percent of Normal Precipitation - Courtesy HPRCC
USGS Latest 7 Day Average Streamflow Compared to Historical Streamflow - Basins
USGS Real-Time Streamflow Compared to Historical Streamflow - Gages
7 Day Precipitation Forecast - National
7 Day Precipitation Forecast - Iowa
Current Conditions and Seven Day Forecast
Iowa Temperature and Precipitation
Crops & Livestock
Precipitation Forecasts
Temperature & Precipitation Outlooks
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