National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Central Iowa Fire Weather Forecast Products


Iowa Forecast Grassland Fire Danger Index

Iowa Forecast Cropland Fire Danger Index

Iowa Forecast Grassland Fire Danger Index image
Click image above for a larger image
Iowa Forecast Cropland Fire Danger Index image
Click image above for a larger image

The Grassland Fire Danger Index indicates the potential for grassland fires to experience extreme fire behavior, which in turn, can lead to a potential threat to life and property. The GFDI accounts for the curing of the fuel (grasses), temperature, relative humidity and the average sustained wind.

The purpose of these images is to provide the public, the fire weather community, and local government agencies a quick view of the risk of grassland and agricultural fire danger. This product is NOT intended to be a sole source for assessing the fire danger for the day. The NWS provides other information to aid in that assessment and those should be utilized as well.  

In addition, the State of Iowa Fire Marshal's Office provides the current list of burn bans by county (click here)


Spot Forecasts

Fire Weather Forecasts for Iowa


Click on the map below for that county's Fire Weather Forecast

From NWS Offices in Des Moines, Sioux Falls, Omaha, La Crosse, and Quad Cities


Des Moines Sioux Falls Omaha La Crosse Quad Cities

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Grassland Fire Danger Index Information and User Recommendations

Forecast Narratives

Helpful Maps from NIFC (National Interagency Fire Center)

Other Links

Glossary of Terms

  • Mixing Height: Depth of the surface based layer of the atmosphere in which mixing occurs.
  • Transport Wind: Average wind between the surface, or the 20 feet level, and the wind at the forecast mixing height.
  • 20 Feet Wind: Wind speed at 20 feet above ground level.
  • Haines Index: A stability and moisture index used to indicate the potential for fire growth, and more importantly extreme fire growth.
  • Fuel Moisture: The amount of moisture in a naturally occurring fuel.  This is an important factor in determining the availability for a fuel to ignite or combust.
  • Grassland Fire Danger Index (GFDI): For Central Iowa, this index is an indication of rural fire potential. If the fire potential reaches extreme levels, then a Red Flag Warning will be issued.
  • Very High GFDI: From the graphic on the Fire Weather webpage, the GFDI values range from 16 to 39.  When GFDI values are in the upper limits of this range for more than a 3 hour period and for larger than a 4 county area, a Red Flag Warning my be considered if conditions warrant. When this condition exists, it means that fires will spread rapidly and show erratic behavior.  Dangerous burning conditions exist.
  • Extreme GFDI: From the graphic on the Fire Weather webpage, the GFDI values range from 40 or more.  When GFDI values are in this range for more than a 3 hour period and for larger than a 4 county area an Red Flag Warning will be issued.  When this condition exists it means thata potential for large and uncontrolable fires exist.  Fires will spread rapidly.  Extreme fire behavior or probable.  Critical burning conditions exist.
  • Red Flag Warning: This is the text product that the National Weather Service Office in Des Moines will issue for its forecast area of responsibility.  Once this product is issued, there will be headlines on the main webpage and links to the product from the headline as well as the fire weather page.  This product serves as an advisory to all customers to curb any plans to burn.  Additional information can be found in the Grassland Fire Danger Index section.
  • Curing: The percentage of moisture in warm season grasses.  This ranges from zero percent (completely green) to one hundred percent (completely dry or dormant).
  • Fire Weather Planning Forecast: A forecast product issued once daily during the burn season.  The first 36 hours of the forecast is in a tabular format giving specific burn parameters.  Days 3 through 7 are in a text format giving sky/weather conditions, temperatures, winds and probability of precipitation.
  • Spot Forecast: A forecast for a specific prescribed burn area.  This product can only be requested by government agencies or private interests with government contracts to do prescribed burns.