National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Snow showers across the north will give a coating to an inch in some areas, then becoming mostly sunny today. Clear to partly cloudy and cold tonight. Sunshine dimmed by high clouds across the north on Saturday. Mostly cloudy with a chance of light snow across the south.

For Moderate/High/Extreme hazard risk, more detailed information will be provided via emailed briefings to core partners.

Coastal Flooding  ---  Fire  ---   Flooding    ---   Heat    ---   Thunderstorms ---   Tropical  ---   Winter


Radar Houlton ME


WSR-88D Doppler Radar

Caribou | Gray

Northeast Sector | Loop
Nationwide | Loop


Storm Prediction Center

Storm Prediction Center Overview Graphic / Map

Radar of the contiguous United States with Storm Prediction Center (SPC) products - Day 1.

SPC & its Products

Convection Outlooks 

Convective outlook  for organized severe thunderstorms over the contiguous United States.

Day 1 Outlook
Day 2 Outlook
Day 3 Outlook
Days 4-8 Outlook

Current Watches

About Severe Weather Watches

Current Watches

Graphic showing any severe thunderstorm and tornado watches which are in effect over the contiguous United States.

Severe & Tornado Watches


Latest Surface AnalysisNational Forecast Maps

Surface Analysis

The Weather Prediction Center (WPC) produces surface maps which depicts the analysis of  highs, lows, fronts, troughs, outflow boundaries, squall lines, and drylines.

Regional Observations
Rainfall Reports

Mesoscale Discussions

Mesoscale Discussions

Describe what is currently happening, what is expected in the next few hours, the meteorological reasoning for the forecast, and when / where SPC plans to issue the watch.

Current Mesoscale Discussions

Upper Air Sounding Map

Upper Air Soundings

Skew-T charts for all observed soundings across the United States. An archive of seven days of data is available.

Observed Soundings

Storm Reports

These reports are preliminary and are plotted and listed "as is" from NWS Local Storm Reports usually sent in realtime.

Caribou's Preliminary Local Storm Reports

Upper Air Map

Forecast Tools

Including upper air mapsupper air soundingsmesoanalysis graphics, Short-Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF), High-Resolution Ensemble Forecast System (HREF) and Compmap.

SPC Mesoscale Sectors

Mesoscale Analysis

Nine fixed regional sectors and a national sector provide hourly gridded mesoanalysis graphics across the CONUS.

Northeast Sector

Severe Climatology Maps

Severe climatology maps for Eastern Maine, including tornados, damaging wind, and hail.