National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Snow showers across the north will give a coating to an inch in some areas, then becoming mostly sunny today. Clear to partly cloudy and cold tonight. Sunshine dimmed by high clouds across the north on Saturday. Mostly cloudy with a chance of light snow across the south.

For Moderate/High/Extreme hazard risk, more detailed information will be provided via emailed briefings to core partners.

Coastal Flooding  ---  Fire  ---   Flooding    ---   Heat    ---   Thunderstorms ---   Tropical  ---   Winter


Spot Fire Weather Forecast Request


Red Flag Event Criteria

1)  Forest fuel conditions dry enough to support dangerous fire behavior. This shall be coordinated with the New Hampshire Forest Protection Bureau, and the Maine Forest Service.
2)  Weather conditions which could result in dangerous fire behavior: less than 30% humidity and frequent or sustained gusts above 25 mph.
Note: Both forest and weather conditions must be expected to issue a Red Flag Warning.



Fire Weather Watch is issued up to 72 hours in advance of expected onset of red flag criteria


Red Flag Warning is issued when red flag criteria will occur in 24 hours or less


24-hour Day 1 Minimum Relative Humidity

Day 1 Min RH

Map displays minimum relative humidity values for the afternoon of Day 1.

Map is updated every time the forecaster issues a new forecast.

24 Hour Day 2 Minimum Relative Humidity

Day 2 Min RH

Map displays 24 hour minimum relative humidity values for the afternoon of Day 2.

Map is updated every time the forecaster issues a new forecast.


Storm Prediction Center Fire Outlook Day 1
Day 1 Fire Weather Discussion

Day 1 Outlook

The Day 1 Outlook covers the 24-hour period from 12Z on the morning of product issuance to 12Z the following morning, with the update covering the 19-hour period from 17Z at issuance to 12Z the following morning.

Storm Prediction Center Fire Outlook Day 2Day 2 Fire Weather Discussion

Day 2 Outlook

The Day 2 Outlook covers the following 24-hour period after Day 1 out to 48 hours. The Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook is scheduled for issuance at 10Z and is updated at 20Z.

Storm Prediction Center Fire Outlook Days 3-8Day 3-8 Fire Wx Discussion

Day 3-8 Outlook

The Day 3-8 Outlook covers the period of 48 to 192 hours from 12Z on the morning of product issuance. The Day 3-8 Fire Weather Outlook is scheduled for issuance at 22Z.

Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF) Products
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Short-Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF)

Short-Range Ensemble Forecast  is produced by postprocessing the 21 members NCEP SREF plus the operational WRF-NAM for a total of 22 members. Special emphasis is placed on high-impact, mesoscale guidance including fire weather.

Weather Hazards MapHazards Assessment

Weather Hazards

Map displays active watch, warnings, advisories and short term forecasts in the lower 48 states. Map automatically refreshes every five minutes.

Loop of sea-level pressures and fronts through day 7

Surface Analysis

The Weather Prediction Center (WPC) produces surface maps which depicts the analysis of  highs, lows, fronts, troughs, outflow boundaries, squall lines, and drylines.