National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Snow showers across the north will give a coating to an inch in some areas, then becoming mostly sunny today. Clear to partly cloudy and cold tonight. Sunshine dimmed by high clouds across the north on Saturday. Mostly cloudy with a chance of light snow across the south.

For Moderate/High/Extreme hazard risk, more detailed information will be provided via emailed briefings to core partners.

Coastal Flooding  ---  Fire  ---   Flooding    ---   Heat    ---   Thunderstorms ---   Tropical  ---   Winter


3 Day Precipitation Forecast

2.5 Day QPF Forecast

Map displays 2.5 Day forecasted precipitation amounts.

Map is updated every time the forecaster issues a new forecast.

Observed Precipitation

Maximum Wave Height

Map displays 3-Day Maximum Wave Height. Map is updated every time the forecaster issues a new forecast.

Tide Gage

Bar Harbor Tide Gage

Image displays observed and predicted tide levels for the Bar Harbor Tide gage.

Tide Gage

Cutler Farris Wharf Tide Gage

Image displays observed and predicted tide levels for the Cutler Farris Wharf Tide gage.

Tide Gage

Eastport Tide Gage

Image displays observed and predicted tide levels for the Eastport gage.

24hr Forecasted QPF

24Hr QPF Forecast

Map displays 24hr forecasted precipitation amounts.

Map is updated every time the forecaster issues a new forecast.


Probabilistic Hurricane Storm Surge (with tide)

Map displays experimental storm surge (with tide) heights in feet above ground level with a 1 in 10 chance of being exceeded.


NWPS Local Wave Model

Local wave model run based on NWS Caribou's forecast wind.