A stretch of very cold weather continues through Tuesday morning. Limit your time outdoors during this timeframe and mitigate cold weather impacts to vehicles and buildings. Read More >
Winter 2018-2019 Outlook
Updated October 18, 2018 - Jeff Boyne
NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC) forecast for the upcoming winter months of December-February:
A weak El Niño is favored to develop during the remainder of the Northern Hemisphere autumn (70-75%) and then continue into the winter of 2018-19. Due to this, the CPC winter temperature outlooks are consistent with typical El Niño impacts.
The last El Niño winter was 2015-16, which was one of the strongest El Niños ever recorded. By comparison, this year's El Niño is starting later and thus is expected to remain on the weak side.
Besides El Niño, this winter will also be affected by:
For the upcoming 2018-2019 winter, NOAA's Climate Prediction Center (CPC) precipitation forecasts for the most part reflect typical El Niño precipitation anomalies in the United States. This includes:
Local Outlook: Locally the forecast for southeast Minnesota, northeast Iowa, and western Wisconsin is for equal chances of wetter-, near, and drier-than-normal. This forecast was based upon the following:
During the 12 weak El Niño winters since 1949-50...