La Crosse, WI
Weather Forecast Office
Wind Speed (mph) | Description | |
Calm - 2 | Smoke rises vertically; trees do not move | |
3 - 6 | Wind motion visible; felt on skin | |
7 - 10 | Leaves / flags in constant motion | |
11 -15 | Wind heard; Leaves rustle | |
15 - 20 | Dust is raised; Small branches move | |
20 - 25 | Small trees sway; Flags in full motion | |
26 - 32 | Large branches move; Whistling heard in wind | |
33 - 40 | Whole trees move; Difficult to walk | |
41 - 49 | Twigs break; Leaf loss; Cars can veer off road | |
50 - 57 | Small branches break; Leaf litter in streets; Minor roof and sign damage possible |
58 - 65 | Tree damage or large branches break; Light structural damage |
66 - 73 | Tree and structural damage; Crop damage possible |
74+ | Widespread tree, crop, and structural damage |
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US Dept of Commerce
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La Crosse, WI
N2788 County Road FA
LaCrosse, WI 54601
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