La Crosse, WI
Weather Forecast Office
The most important feature of NOAA Weather Radio is its ability to broadcast severe weather watches and warnings as they are issued. During these events, radios with the alert feature will automatically activate a tone whenever a watch or warning has been issued. You can then listen to the broadcast to find out the type of severe weather threat, and where it is expected. This immediate "heads-up" will not only keep you aware of the potential weather dangers of the day...but can also give you the time to seek shelter...and in extreme instances...even save your life.
You would like a weather radio, especially for its alert feature, but you don't want to be woken up at 3 am for a warning that is three counties away? Well, some radios now come with the Specific Area Message Encoding technology...SAME for short. Weather radios that have this feature will enable the user to select which counties he or she wants to be warned for. That way, the alarm will only go off for the counties you choose.
The weather radio is also updated constantly with the most up-to-date severe weather information, including where the storms are, where they are going, and reports of damage as we receive them. And, with most weather radios having a battery backup, even if power goes off, you will still be able to get the latest severe weather information.
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Local Storm Report
Lightning Plot Archive
River Stages
Water Temp
Precipitation Plotter
Soil Temps
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
La Crosse, WI
N2788 County Road FA
LaCrosse, WI 54601
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