National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholar Day is an event intended to broaden the interest of students in the physical sciences by spending a day at the National Weather Service (NWS) La Crosse office. This event reaches out to women, minorities, and other students interested in the sciences, providing an opportunity to gain exposure to the real-time application of science in the workplace.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholar Day started within the NWS in the mid-1980s at the Topeka, KS weather forecast office. The La Crosse NWS office participates every year by inviting area high schools to nominate students to spend a day in our office. Therefore, this is not only an opportunity for the students to gain exposure to the scientific work environment, but is a recognition honor for the students as well.

For more information, contact the La Crosse NWS at:

Here is an outline of a typical Martin Luther King (MLK) Jr. Scholar Day:

  • Students arrive around 9:15 a.m.
  • Introduction to MLK Scholar Day
  • Office Tour
  • Meet with program leaders / discuss operations, including
    • Severe Weather / Storm Spotters
    • Hydrology (rivers)
    • Forecasting
  • Lunch
  • Tour of Doppler radar / Electronics
  • Weather observations / instrumentation
  • Communication / Decision Support
  • Discussion on Science careers
  • Final review / discussion  (end around 2:15 p.m.)