A stretch of very cold weather continues through Tuesday morning. Limit your time outdoors during this timeframe and mitigate cold weather impacts to vehicles and buildings. Read More >
Below are some Christmas Eve weather statistics for La Crosse, WI, and Rochester, MN. La Crosse, WI: The following statistics comprise 152 years of data. From 1872 through 1950, the data came from various locations in downtown La Crosse. Since 1950, the data has been gathered at La Crosse Regional Airport. No temperature data was available in 1985. |
Christmas Eve in La Crosse, WI (Period of Record 1872-2023) |
1991-2020 Normals
Maximum Temperature |
Warmest High Temperature |
December 24, 1889
Coldest High Temperature |
December 24, 1983
Minimum Temperature |
Warmest Low Temperature |
December 24, 2023
December 24, 1936
December 24, 1893 |
Coldest Low Temperature |
December 24, 1872
Average Temperature |
Warmest Average Temperature |
December 24, 1889
Coldest Average Temperature |
December 24, 1872
Precipitation |
Wettest |
December 24, 1875
Snowfall |
Snowiest |
December 24, 1977
Snow Depth at 6 AM |
Most Snow on the Ground at 6 AM |
December 24, 2010
The odds of having precipitation on Christmas Eve is 58.6% (89 out of 152). There has been measurable (0.01" or greater) precipitation on 45 Christmas Eves (29.6%) and trace amounts (less than 0.01") on another 44 Christmas Eves (28.9%).
Since 1896, it has snowed on 66 out of 128 (51.6%) Christmas Eves. Measurable snow (0.1" or greater) has fallen on 30 Christmas Eves (23.4%) and trace amounts on 36 Christmas Eves (28.1%).
Since 1893, residents have woken up with measurable snow (1/2" or greater) on the ground 90 times (68.7%), trace amounts (less than a 1/2") 18 times (13.7%), and no snow on the ground 23 times (17.6%).
Looking back at the 2023 Christmas Eve, the high temperature was 54°F. Only 1889 was warmer with a high temperature of 61°F. The low temperature was 41°F. This tied 1893 and 1936 for the warmest. The average temperature was 47.5°F. Only 1889 was warmer with an average temperature of 48.5°F. A total of 0.11" of rain fell. This was the wettest Christmas Eve since 2013 (0.19"). There was no snow on the ground. The last time that occurred on Christmas Eve was 2021. The average wind speed was 9.2 mph.
Rochester, MN:
The following statistics comprise 111 years of data. From 1886 through 1931, the data came from several cooperative observers in the Rochester area. Since 1932, the data has been gathered at Rochester International Airport. No data was taken on Christmas Eve Day from 1889 to 1891, 1901, 1908, 1921 to 1927, and 1933.
Christmas Eve in Rochester, MN (Period of Record 1886-2023) |
1991-2020 Normals
Maximum Temperature |
Warmest High Temperature |
December 24, 2023
Coldest High Temperature |
December 24, 1983
Minimum Temperature |
Warmest Low Temperature |
December 24, 2023
Coldest Low Temperature |
December 24, 1983
Average Temperature |
Warmest Average Temperature |
December 24, 2023
Coldest Average Temperature |
December 24, 1983
Precipitation |
Wettest |
December 24, 1932
Snowfall |
Snowiest |
December 24, 1916
Snow Depth at 6 AM |
Most Snow on the Ground at 6 AM |
December 24, 2010
The odds of having any precipitation on Christmas Eve is 55% (61 out of 111). There has been measurable (0.01" or greater) precipitation on 30 Christmas Eves (27%) and trace amounts (less than 0.01") of precipitation on 31 Christmas Eves (27.9%).
It has snowed on 52 out of 107 (48.6%) Christmas Eves. Measurable snow (0.1" or greater) has fallen on 28 Christmas Eves (26.2%) and trace amounts on 24 Christmas Eves (22.4%).
Residents have woken up with measurable snow (1/2" or greater) on the ground 67 times (76.1%), trace amounts (less than a 1/2") 13 times (14.8%), and no snow 8 times (9.1%).
Looking back at the 2023 Christmas Eve, the high temperature at Rochester International Airport was 52°F. This was the warmest on Christmas Eve. The previous record was 41°F in 1953 and 2021. The low temperature was 44°F. This was the warmest on Christmas Eve. The previous record was 36°F in 1936. The average temperature was 48°F. This was the warmest on Christmas Eve. The previous record was 37.5°F in 1936 and 1940. A total of 0.32" of rain fell. This was the 4th greatest. It was the wettest Christmas Eve since 2009 (0.48"). The wettest Christmas occurred back in 1932 when 0.94" of precipitation fell. There was no snow on the ground. The last time that occurred on Christmas Eve was 2021. The average wind speed was 16.6 mph.
The following weather events occurred on Christmas Eve in southeast Minnesota, northeast Iowa, and western Wisconsin:
The high temperature at La Crosse Regional Airport was 9°F. This was the coldest high temperature on Christmas Eve since 2000 (2°F). This was tied with 1914, 1920, and 1984 for the 8th coldest high on a Christmas Eve for La Crosse. The coldest high was -10°F in 1983. In contrast, the high was 44°Fin 2021 which was tied with 1953 for the 8th warmest Christmas Eve. The area was under a Blizzard Warning during the early morning. This was then replaced with a Winter Weather Advisory for blowing snow and bitterly cold wind chills. Wind chills were as low as -25°F at La Crosse Regional Airport.
The high temperature at Rochester International Airport was 1°F today. This was the coldest high temperature on Christmas Eve since 2000 (-6°F). This was the 5th coldest high on Christmas Eve for Rochester. The coldest was -14°F in 1983. In contrast, the high was 41°F which was tied with 1953 for the warmest Christmas Eve. The average temperature was -2.5°F (9th coldest). There was 12" of snow on the ground. This was tied with 1996 for the 8th greatest. The area was under a Blizzard Warning. Wind chills ranged from -21°F to -33°F at Rochester International Airport.
in 2023, a low pressure system over the Central Plains brought an unusually warm air mass northward into the region. It was so warm that some places were breaking high temperature records at midnight. Rochester International Airport had a high temperature of 52°F. This broke the previous record high for the day by 11°F (41°F in 1953 and 2021). The low temperature was 44°F. This broke the previous record warm low by 8°F (36°F in 1936). La Crosse Regional Airport had a high temperature of 54°F. Only 1889 was warmer with a high temperature of 61°F. The low temperature was 41°F. This tied 1893 and 1936 for the warmest. Rochester International Airport received a total of 0.32" of rain fell. This was the 4th greatest. It was the wettest Christmas Eve since 2009 (0.48"). A Dense Fog Advisory was in effect for much of Wisconsin on Christmas Eve morning.