National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Snow, White-out Conditions Possible Wednesday

High impact late winter, early spring storm Wednesday bringing heavy wet snow to some, widespread rain to others, strong (potentially very strong) winds to all. Potential for white-out conditions where heavy snow and strongest winds overlap. Travel is not recommended where strong winds and heavy snow are forecast. Read More >


A robust winter storm is expected to affect the region Wednesday, potentially bringing heavy snow and, in or near the snow band, white-out conditions.

Those with travel plans Wednesday should be prepared to adjust them to a different time if traveling near and to the west and north of La Crosse. 

Over the last day, there has been a southeastward shift of the of the heavy snow band.

The heaviest snow will focus in a narrow band (20-40 miles!) shifts in this band will lead to wildly different snowfall in your backyard. Check back for updates as the forecast is refined.


Wednesday: Heavy Snow, White-out Conditions Possible

  • What: Rain, changes to a wintry mix and then snow. Heavy snow and white-out conditions possible in the snow band. Winds of 30 mph gusting to 55 mph for parts of southeast MN and northeast IA.
  • Where: Northwest of a Charles City, IA to Black River Falls, WI line. Within this area, white-out conditions will be possible west of the Mississippi River.
  • Timing: Wednesday morning through Wednesday night.  
  • Impacts: Road conditions will quickly deteriorate shortly after onset of snow and strongest winds. 'White-outs' expected. Rural, secondary roads will become treacherous to impassable. Conditions could become life threatening if stranded in rural areas.
  • ACTION: AVOID all unnecessary travel. Re-schedule activities if you can. If you must travel, go slow, have winter weather survival kit with you, and a means to contact someone in case you are stranded.
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Snow Forecast Max Wind Gust
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