National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Strong southeast winds, sustained 25 to 30 mph with gusts approaching 45 mph, low relative humidity values between 25 and 35%, and drying fuels, have resulted in critical fire weather conditions in northeast Iowa. As a result a Red Flag Warning has been issued from 1 pm to 8 pm. 

Elevated to near-critical fire weather conditions are expected in southeast Minnesota and western Wisconsin as slightly lower wind speeds and higher relative humidity values in combination with the drying fuels will be present.

Avoid outdoor burning today- burn those brush piles another day.

A fast moving line of storms is still anticipated to drive northward across the region this evening. Some could be severe - with even stronger winds and a quick shot of rain.   

Today: Critical Fire Weather Concerns

  • What: afternoon relative humidity values ranging from 25 to 35% coupled with southeast winds gusting from 30 to 45 mph. Conditions will favor quick starting, moving fires - especially through dry/dead grasses,   
  • Where: northeast Iowa, elevated to near-critical fire weather conditions for southeastern Minnesota and western Wisconsin.
  • Timing: 1 pm to 8 pm
  • Impacts: fires could start very easily, moving quickly through dried grasses and dead leaves
  • ACTION: avoid any outdoor burning, including campfires
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