During meteorological autumn 2022 (September 1-November 30), average temperatures ranged from near-normal to 3°F warmer-than-normal across the Upper Mississippi River Valley. Monthly average temperatures ranged from 45°F at Medford Taylor County Airport, WI (AWOS) to 51.5°F at Decorah, IA (COOP). The hottest temperature was 98°F near Oelwein, IA (COOP) on September 21 and the coldest temperature was 1°F near Grand Meadow, MN on November 9, and near Cashton, WI (COOP) and at Dodge Center Airport, MN (AWOS) on November 20. |
![2022 Autumn Average Temperature Departures](/images/arx/climate/2022metautumntemps.jpg) |
Autumn precipitation was below normal across the Upper Mississippi River Valley. Precipitation anomalies ranged from near-normal to 6” drier-than-normal across the region. Precipitation totals ranged from 2.13” at the Austin Waste Water Treatment Facility (COOP) to 9.02” near Warrens, WI (CoCoRaHS). The greatest 1-day precipitation was 2.72" near Colby, WI (COOP). This rainfall fell from 7 AM on September 19 to 7 AM on September 20. |
![2022 Autumn Precipitation Departures](/images/arx/climate/2022metautumnpcpn.jpg) |
Autumn snowfall was near-normal across the Upper Mississippi River Valley. Snowfall totals ranged from 0.5” at Prairie du Chien, WI (COOP) to 7.1” near Neillsville, WI (COOP). The greatest 1-day snowfall was 3.5" near Onalaska, WI (COOP). This snow fell from 7 AM on November 15 to 7 AM on November 16. |
![2022 Autumn Snowfall Departures](/images/arx/climate/2022metautumnsnow.jpg) |
The information below provides details on autumn 2022 temperatures, precipitation, and snowfall for La Crosse WI, and Rochester MN.
La Crosse WI
Autumn of 2022 was drier and slightly cooler than normal in La Crosse, WI
Temperatures - Slightly Cooler than Normal
From September 1 through November 30, La Crosse Regional Airport had an average temperature of 51.3°F. This was 0.1°F colder than 1991-2020 normal of 51.4°F.
The table below contains the monthly average temperatures and their departures from normal for the autumn of 2022.
Autumn 2022 Temperatures
in La Crosse WI
Average Departure
Month Temperature from Normal
----- ----------- -----------
September 65.2°F +0.4°F
October 51.1°F -0.6°F
November 37.7°F +0.1°F
Autumn 51.3°F -0.1°F
![2022 LSE Meteorological Autumn Climate Summary](/images/arx/climate/2022metautumnlse.jpg) |
- The average high temperature was 61.6°F which was 0.7°F warmer than 1991-2020 normal of 60.9°F.
- The average low temperature was 41°F which was 0.8°F colder than 1991-2020 normal of 41.8°F.
- The warmest high temperature was 89°F on September 20.
- The coldest high temperature was 23°F on November 19.
- The warmest low temperature was 70°F on September 2.
- The coldest low temperature was 10°F on November 20.
- Temperatures averaged above normal on 47 days, below normal on 43 days and normal on 1 day.
Precipitation - Drier than Normal
From September 1 through November 30, La Crosse Regional Airport received 4.76 inches of precipitation. This was 3.21 inches drier than 1991-2020 normal of 7.97 inches.
The table below contains the monthly precipitation totals and their departures from normal for the autumn of 2022.
Autumn 2022 Precipitation
in La Crosse WI
Precipitation Departure
Month Total from Normal
----- ------------- -----------
September 1.66 inches -1.97 inches
October 1.04 inches -1.45 inches
November 2.06 inches +0.21 inches
Autumn 4.76 inches -3.21 inches
- The highest daily precipitation total was 0.95 inches on October 24.
- Measurable rain fell on 22 days (24.2%) and trace amounts fell on another 13 days (14.3%).
Breakdown by precipitation amounts
- None 56 Days
- Trace 13 Days
- 0.01-0.09 inches 14 Days
- 0.10-0.24 inches 2 Days
- 0.25-0.49 inches 2 Days
- 0.50-0.99 inches 4 Days
Snowfall - Below-Normal
From September 1 through November 30, the official snow observer near La Crosse Regional Airport received 3.2 inches of snow. This was 0.5 inches below 1991-2020 normal of 3.7 inches.
The table below contains the monthly snowfall totals and their departures from normal for the autumn of 2022.
Autumn 2022 Snowfall
in La Crosse WI
Snowfall Departure
Month Total from Normal
----- ------------- -----------
September 0.0 inches 0.0 inches
October Trace -0.3 inches
November 3.2 inches -0.2 inches
Autumn 3.2 inches -0.5 inches
- The highest daily snowfall total was 1.3 inches on November 15.
- Measurable snow fell on 5 days (5.5%) and trace amounts fell on another 5 days (5.5%).
Breakdown by snowfall amounts
- None 81 Days
- Trace 5 Days
- 0.1-0.9 inches 4 Days
- 1.0-2.9 inches 1 Day
The greatest snow depth was 2 inches on November 16.
- It was clear on 51 days.
- It was partly cloudy on 22 days.
- It was cloudy on 18 days.
Sea Level Pressure
- Highest was 30.58 inches on September 28.
- Lowest was 29.13 inches on November 5.
- Highest sustained wind was 31 mph from the northwest on November 5.
- Highest wind gust was 41 mph from the west on October 12 and the northwest on November 5.
Rochester MN
Autumn of 2022 was much warmer and drier than normal in Rochester, MN
Temperatures - Slightly Warmer than Normal
From September 1 through November 30, Rochester International Airport had an average temperature of 47.8°F. This was 0.3°F warmer than 1991-2020 normal of 47.5°F.
The table below contains the monthly average temperatures and their departures from normal for the autumn of 2022.
Autumn 2022 Temperatures
in Rochester MN
Average Departure
Month Temperature from Normal
----- ----------- -----------
September 61.6°F +0.5°F
October 48.5°F +0.6°F
November 33.3°F -0.3°F
Autumn 47.8°F +0.3°F
![2022 RST Meteorological Autumn Climate Summary](/images/arx/climate/2022metautumnrst.jpg) |
- The average high temperature was 58.1°F which was 1°F warmer than 1991-2020 normal of 57.1°F.
- The average low temperature was 37.5°F which was 0.5°F colder than 1991-2020 normal of 38.0°F.
- The warmest high temperature was 90°F on September 20.
- The coldest high temperature was 18°F on November 18.
- The warmest low temperature was 64°F on September 2.
- The coldest low temperature was 5°F on November 20.
- Temperatures averaged above normal on 48 days, below normal on 39 days and normal on 4 days.
Precipitation - Drier than Normal
From September 1 through November 30, Rochester International Airport received 3.16 inches of precipitation. This was 4.67 inches drier than the 1991-2020 normal of 7.83 inches.
The table below contains the monthly precipitation totals and their departures from normal for the autumn of 2022.
Autumn 2022 Precipitation
in Rochester, MN
Precipitation Departure
Month Total from Normal
----- ------------- -----------
September 0.97 inches -2.63 inches
October 0.70 inches -1.73 inches
November 1.49 inches -0.31 inches
Autumn 3.16 inches -4.67 inches
- The highest daily precipitation total was 0.49 inches on October 24.
- Measurable rain fell on 25 days (27.5%) and trace amounts fell on another 8 days (8.8%).
Breakdown by precipitation amounts
- None 58 Days
- Trace 8 Days
- 0.01-0.09 inches 16 Days
- 0.10-0.24 inches 4 Days
- 0.25-0.49 inches 5 Days
Snowfall - Snowier than Normal
From September 1 through November 30, the official snow observer near Rochester International Airport received 6.5 inches of snow. This was 1.1 inches above the 1991-2020 normal of 5.4 inches.
The table below contains the monthly snowfall totals and their departures from normal for the autumn of 2022.
Autumn 2022 Snowfall
in Rochester MN
Snowfall Departure
Month Total from Normal
----- ------------- -----------
September 0.0 inches 0.0 inches
October 0.1 inches -0.8 inches
November 6.4 inches +1.9 inches
Autumn 6.5 inches +1.1 inches
- The highest daily snowfall total was 2.3 inches on November 29.
- Measurable snow fell on 10 days (11%) and trace amounts fell on another day (1.1%).
Breakdown by snowfall amounts
- None 80 Days
- Trace 1 Day
- 0.1-0.9 inches 7 Days
- 1.0-2.9 inches 3 Days
The greatest snow depth was 2 inches on November 30.
- It was clear on 48 days.
- It was partly cloudy on 39 days.
- It was cloudy on 4 days.
Sea Level Pressure
- Highest was 30.62 inches on November 7.
- Lowest was 29.32 inches on November 5.
- Highest sustained wind was 40 mph from the south on October 23.
- Highest wind gust was 53 mph from the south on October 23.