National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Dangerous Wind Chills Today & Tuesday

A stretch of very cold weather continues through Tuesday morning. Limit your time outdoors during this timeframe and mitigate cold weather impacts to vehicles and buildings. Read More >


During the evening hours of August 5th, a line of thunderstorms moved through portions of southeast Minnesota, northeast Iowa and southwestern Wisconsin, producing pockets of wind damage along its track. Most notably, an embedded supercell tracked from far south-central Minnesota into northeast Iowa after sunset. This storm produced numerous circulations on radar along with at least five documented tornadoes along a swath from Mower County, MN to Allamakee County, IA. Additionally, heavy rainfall across the region produced localized flooding with rainfall reports of 1-2"--locally higher in spots.

 Radar reflectivity animation of the storm complex as it moved through the region with tornado (red) and severe thunderstorm (yellow) watches and warnings. Watches are the large boxes while warnings are the smaller polygons.
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