National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Here are the meteorological winter summaries for La Crosse, WI and Rochester, MN...

La Crosse WI...

During meteorological winter (December 1 through February 28),temperatures at the La Crosse Regional Airport were slightly colder than normal (20.2° or 0.3° colder than normal). It was also very wet (6.34" or 2.81" wetter than normal - 4th wettest) and snowy (50.2" or 20" snowier than normal - 6th snowiest).  The information below provides more details on these statistics.

Temperatures - Slightly Colder-than-Normal 

From December 1st through February 28th, the average temperature at La Crosse Regional Airport was 20.2°F.  This was 0.3°F colder than the 1981-2010 normal of 20.5°F.  This was just 0.3°F colder than last winter.

While the temperatures were close to normal, this does not tell the complete story.  During the first half of the winter (through January 14th), the average temperature was 28.6°F.  This was 8.3°F warmer than the 1981-2010 normal of 20.3°F.  During the remainder of the winter, temperatures averaged 12.1°F which was 8.5°F colder than the 1981-2010 normal of 20.6°F.

  • The average maximum temperature was 28.0°F.  This was 0.7°F colder than the 1981-2010 normal of 28.7°F.
  • The average minimum temperature was 12.4°F.  This was 0.2°F warmer than the 1981-2010 normal of 12.2°F.

The table below contains the monthly temperatures and their departures from normal for the winter of 2018-19.

          Winter 2018-19 Temperatures
               in La Crosse WI

                  Average            Departure
   Month        Temperature         from Normal
   -----        -----------         -----------
 December          29.1°F             +7.4°F 
 January           15.6°F             -1.8°F
 February          16.0°F             -6.5°F 
 Winter            20.2°F             -0.3°F

  • The warmest high temperature was 54°F on January 5. 
  • The coldest high temperature was -12°F on January 30.  This was the coldest temperature during a meteorological winter in 23 years (1996).
  • The warmest low temperature was 38°F on February 3.
  • The coldest low temperature was -33°F on January 31.  This was the coldest temperature during a meteorological winter in 23 years (1996).  There have only been 7 winters with a temperature colder than this winter.  They were 1872-73 (-43°F), 1874-75 (-34°F), 1887-88 (-42°F), 1911-12 (-34°F), 1950-51 (-37°F), 1970-71 (-36°F), and 1995-96 (-35°F).

The daily average temperatures were above normal on 49 days (54.4%), below normal on 38 days (42.2%), and normal on 3 days (3.3%).
The temperature fell below zero on 21 days. On average, there are 23 days with sub-zero temperatures in a winter. 

Precipitation - 4th Wettest

From December 1st through February 28th, La Crosse Regional Airport received 6.34" of precipitation.  This was 2.81" wetter than the 1981-2010 winter normal of 3.53".  This made it the 4th wettest winter.  3 out of the 7 wettest winters have occurred during the past 4 winters.  2015-16 was the 2nd wettest winter.  2016-17 was the 7th wettest winter.  The table below lists the 10 wettest winters.

           Wettest Winters
           in La Crosse WI

   Rank        Total        Winter
   ----    -------------    ------
     1      7.47 inches     1875-76
     2      6.58 inches     2015-16
     3      6.37 inches     1921-22
     4      6.34 inches     2018-19
     5      6.24 inches     1931-32
     6      6.22 inches     1885-86
     7      6.05 inches     2016-17
     8      5.94 inches     1891-92
     9      5.76 inches     1914-15
    10      5.70 inches     1928-29

The table below contains the monthly precipitation totals and their departures from normal for the winter of 2018-19.

          Winter 2018-19 Precipitation 
               in La Crosse WI

                Precipitation         Departure
   Month            Total            from Normal
   -----        ------------         -----------
 December        2.01 inches        +0.65 inches 
 January         1.31 inches        +0.19 inches 
 February        3.02 inches        +1.97 inches - 4th wettest
 Winter          6.34 inches        +2.81 inches - 4th wettest

The wettest day was on December 27 when 0.78" of precipitation fell.  

Precipitation fell on 58 days (58.8%). Measurable precipitation fell on 34 days (37.8%).  Trace amounts of precipitation fell on 24 days (26.7%).

Snowfall - 6th Snowiest

From December 1st through February 28th, the snow observer near La Crosse Regional Airport received 50.2" of snow.  This was 20" snowier than the 1981-2010 normal of 30.2 inches.  4 out of the 6 snowiest winters have occurred since the 2007-08 winter.  2007-08 was the 2nd snowiest winter (57.8").  2008-09 was the 5th snowiest winter (50.5").  2010-11 was the 4th snowiest winter (54.4").  The table below lists the 10 snowiest winters.  

          Snowiest Winters
           in La Crosse WI

   Rank        Total         Winter
   ----    -------------     ------
     1      60.4 inches     1970-71
     2      57.8 inches     2007-08
     3      54.6 inches     1928-29
     4      54.4 inches     2010-11
     5      50.5 inches     2008-09
     6      50.2 inches     2018-19
     7      49.0 inches     1978-79
            49.0 inches     1974-75
     9      47.4 inches     1990-91
    10      46.7 inches     1916-17

The table below contains the monthly snowfall totals and their departures from normal for the winter of 2018-19.

           Winter 2018-19 Snowfall
               in La Crosse WI

                  Snowfall            Departure
   Month            Total            from Normal
   -----        ------------         -----------
 December         4.0 inches         -7.3 inches 
 January         15.1 inches         +4.4 inches
 February        31.1 inches        +22.9 inches - Snowiest February
 Winter          50.2 inches        +20.0 inches - 6th snowiest

The snowiest day was 9.0 inches on February 12.

Snow fell on 49 days (54.4%).  Measurable snow fell on 29 days (32.2%).  A trace of snow fell on another 20 days (22.2%). 

Snow Depth - Slightly Above Average

From December 1st through February 28th, the official snow observer near La Crosse Regional Airport had an average snow depth of 5.6". This was 1.2" greater than the 1893-2019 long-term average of 4.4".  

The greatest snow depth was 19" on February 21.  

There was snow on the ground on 74 days (82.2%) this winter.  Measurable snow was on the ground on 61 days (67.8%) and trace amounts of snow on the ground on 13 days (14.4%).  

Rochester MN...

During meteorological winter (December 1 through February 28), it was colder-than-normal (15.7°F or 2.8°F colder-than-normal) and the wettest (6.30" or 3.38" wetter-than-normal) and snowiest winter (68.2" or 33" snowier-than-normal). The information below provides more details on these statistics.


From December 1st through February 28th, Rochester International Airport had an average temperature of 15.7°F.  This was 2.8°F colder than the 1981-2010 winter normal of 18.5°F.  It was just 0.3°F colder than last winter.

  • The average maximum temperature was 23.1°F.  This was 3.1°F colder than the 1981-2010 normal of 26.2°F. 
  • The average minimum temperature was 8.2°F.  This was 2.6°F colder than the 1981-2010 normal of 10.8°F.  

The table below contains the monthly temperatures and their departures from normal for the winter of 2018-19.

          Winter 2018-19 Temperatures
               in Rochester MN

                  Average            Departure
   Month        Temperature         from Normal
   -----        -----------         -----------
 December          23.7°F             +4.0°F 
 January           12.1°F             -3.6°F 
 February          11.3°F             -9.0°F 
 Winter            15.7°F             -2.8°F 

  • The warmest high temperature was 44°F on January 5.
  • The coldest high temperature was -19°F on January 30.  Only 3 winters have had a high colder.  They were 1911-12 (-22°F), 1983-84 (-20°F), and 1995-96 (-20°F).
  • The warmest low temperature was 35°F on February 3.
  • The coldest low temperature was -30°F on January 31. This was the coldest temperature during a meteorological winter in 23 years (1996).

The daily average temperatures were below-normal on 47 days (52.2%), above-normal on 42 days (46.7%), normal on 1 day (1.1%).

The temperature fell below zero on 28 days.  On average, there are 27 days with sub-zero temperatures in a winter. 

Precipitation - Wettest

From December 1st through February 28th, Rochester International Airport received 6.30" of precipitation.  This was 3.38" wetter than the 1981-2010 winter normal of 2.92".  4 out of the 7 wettest winters have occurred this decade.  The table below lists the 10 wettest winters.

           Wettest Winters
           in Rochester MN

   Rank        Total        Winter
   ----    -------------    ------
     1      6.30 inches     2018-19
     2      5.85 inches     2016-17
     3      5.47 inches     1887-88
     4      5.29 inches     2010-11
     5      4.92 inches     1982-83
     6      4.69 inches     1950-51
     7      4.61 inches     2015-16
     8      4.29 inches     1932-33
     9      4.25 inches     1966-67
    10      4.22 inches     2006-07
            4.22 inches     1948-49

The table below contains the monthly precipitation totals and their departures from normal for the winter of 2018-19.

          Winter 2018-19 Precipitation 
               in Rochester MN

                Precipitation         Departure
   Month            Total            from Normal
   -----        ------------         -----------
 December        2.10 inches        +0.87 inches - Tied with 1887 for 9th Wettest
 January         1.23 inches        +0.37 inches 
 February        2.97 inches        +2.14 inches - Wettest
 Winter          6.30 inches        +3.38 inches - Wettest 

The wettest day was on February 23 when 0.89" of precipitation fell.  

Precipitation fell on 49 days (54.4). Measurable precipitation fell on 32 days (35.6%).  Trace amounts of precipitation fell on 17 days (18.9%).


Snowfall - Snowiest

From December 1st through February 28th, the snow observer near Rochester International Airport received 68.2" of snow.  This was 35.2" snowier than the 1981-2010 normal of 33.0".  8 out of the 16 snowiest winters have occurred this century.  The table below lists the 10 snowiest winters.  

          Snowiest Winters
           in Rochester MN

   Rank        Total        Winter
   ----    -------------    ------
     1      68.2 inches     2018-19
     2      60.4 inches     2010-11
     3      50.0 inches     2000-01
     4      48.1 inches     1969-70
     5      46.5 inches     2013-14
     6      46.4 inches     2008-09
     7      45.8 inches     1996-97
     8      44.4 inches     2009-10
     9      43.9 inches     1995-96
    10      43.6 inches     1978-79

The table below contains the monthly snowfall totals and their departures from normal for the winter of 2018-19.

           Winter 2018-19 Snowfall
               in Rochester MN

                  Snowfall            Departure
   Month            Total            from Normal
   -----        ------------         -----------
 December         9.7 inches         -2.8 inches  
 January         18.5 inches         +6.5 inches - 9th Snowiest
 February        40.0 inches        +31.5 inches - Snowiest
 Winter          68.2 inches        +35.2 inches - Snowiest

The snowiest day was 10.1" on February 23.

Snow fell on 43 days (47.7%).  Measurable snow fell on 28 days (31.1%).  A trace of snow fell on another 15 days (16.7%).

Snow Depth - 16th Greatest

From December 1st through February 28th, the official snow observer near Rochester International Airport had an average snow depth of 7.9".  This was 2.7" greater than the 1938-2019 long-term average. The table below lists the 20 greatest snow depths for a winter.  

         Greatest Snow Depth 
           during a Winter
           in Rochester MN

             Snow Depth
   Rank        Total        Winter
   ----    -------------    ------
     1      16.9 inches     2010-11
     2      14.0 inches     1978-79
     3      13.7 inches     2009-10
     4      12.2 inches     1969-70
     5      11.8 inches     1985-86
     6      11.6 inches     1968-69
     7      10.6 inches     1970-71
     8      10.5 inches     1981-82
     9       9.7 inches     1996-97
    10       9.4 inches     1983-84
    11       9.1 inches     2000-01
    12       8.7 inches     1950-51
    13       8.5 inches     2013-14
    14       8.0 inches     2008-09
             8.0 inches     1977-78
    16       7.9 inches     2018-19
    17       7.2 inches     1992-93
             7.2 inches     1990-91
    19       7.0 inches     1947-48
    20       6.9 inches     1955-56 

The greatest snow depth for the winter was 28" on February 24.

There was snow on the ground on 78 days (86.7%) this winter.  Measurable snow was on the ground on 72 days (80%) and trace amounts of snow on the ground on 6 days (6.7%).