A stretch of very cold weather continues through Tuesday morning. Limit your time outdoors during this timeframe and mitigate cold weather impacts to vehicles and buildings. Read More >
The 2017-18 astronomical (December 21st through March 19th) winter was near-normal for temperatures and precipitation at La Crosse, WI and Rochester, MN. More details can be found below.
...A Slightly Warmer and Drier Astronomical Winter in La Crosse, WI...
The 2017-18 astronomical winter (which ran from December 21st through March 19th) was slightly warmer and drier-than-average at La Crosse, WI. More details can be found below.
Temperatures - Slightly Warmer-than-Average
During astronomical winter, temperatures averaged 21.3°F at La Crosse Regional Airport. This was 0.6°F warmer than the long-term (1872-2018) average of 20.7°F. It was the coldest winter since 2013-14 when the average was 12.9°F.
Precipitation - Slightly Drier-than-Average
During astronomical winter, a total of 3.27" of precipitation fell at La Crosse Regional Airport. This was 0.43" drier than the long-term (1872-2018) average of 3.70". It was the driest winter since 2014-15 when 1.83" of precipitation fell.
The wettest day occurred on January 22nd when 0.85" of precipitation fell.
Measurable (0.01" or greater) precipitation fell on 28 days (31.5%) and trace amounts of precipitation fell on another 19 days (21.3%).
Days with no precipitation - 42 days - 47.2%
Days with a Trace of precipitation - 19 days - 21.3%
Days with 0.01" or more of precipitation - 28 days - 31.5%
Days with 0.10" or more of precipitation - 8 days - 9.0%
Days with 0.50" or more of precipitation - 2 days - 2.2%
Days with 1.00" or more of precipitation - 0 days - 0.0%
Snowfall - Slightly Lower-than-Average
During astronomical winter, a total of 27.8" of snow fell was reported by the NWS official snow observer near La Crosse Regional Airport. This was 1.4" below the long-term (1896-2018) average of 29.2". This was the highest total since the winter of 2015-17 when 30.9" of snow fell.
The snowiest day occurred on March 5th when 6.0" of snow fell.
Measurable (0.1" or greater) snow fell on 26 days (29.2%) and trace amounts of snow fell on another 17 days (19.1%).
Days with no snow - 46 days - 51.7%
Days with a trace of snow - 17 days - 19.1%
Days with a 0.1" to 1" of snow - 17 days - 19.1%
Days with 1.0" to 2.9" of snow - 7 days - 7.9%
Days with 3.0" to 5.9" of snow - 1 days - 1.1%
Days with 6.0" to 8.9" of snow - 1 days - 1.1%
Days with 9.0" or more of snow - 0 days - 0.0%
Snow Depth - Lower-than-Average
During astronomical winter, the average snow depth at La Crosse Regional Airport was 2.1". This was 2.3" below the long-term (1893-2018) average of 4.4". This was the lowest snow depth average since the winter of 2011-12 (1.9").
The greatest snow depth was 6" from March 6th to March 8th.
Measurable snow was on the ground on 50 days or 56.2% of the season and there was no snow on the ground on 16 days or 18.0% of the season.
Days with no snow depth - 16 days - 18.0%
Days with a trace of snow depth - 23 days - 25.8%
Days with 1" to 2" of snow depth - 28 days - 31.5%
Days with 3" to 5" of snow depth - 19 days - 21.3%
Days with 6" to 8" of snow depth - 3 days - 3.4%
Days with 9" or more - 0 days - 0.0%
...A Slightly Colder and Wetter Astronomical Winter in Rochester MN...
The 2017-18 astronomical winter (which ran from December 21st through March 19th) was slightly colder and wetter-than-average at Rochester MN. More details can be found below.
Temperatures - Slightly Colder-than-Average
During astronomical winter, temperatures averaged 16.4°F at Rochester International Airport. This was 1.2°F colder than the long-term (1886-2018) average of 17.6°F. It was the coldest winter since 2013-14 when the average was 12.9°F.
Precipitation - Slightly Wetter-than-Average
During astronomical winter, a total of 3.27" of precipitation fell at Rochester International Airport. This was 0.27" wetter than the long-term (1886-2018) average of 3".
The wettest day occurred on January 22nd when 0.91" of precipitation fell.
Measurable (0.01" or greater) precipitation fell on 27 days (30.3%) and trace amounts of precipitation fell on another 18 days (20.2%).
Days with no precipitation - 44 days - 49.4%
Days with a Trace of precipitation - 18 days - 20.2%
Days with 0.01" or more of precipitation - 27 days - 30.3%
Days with 0.10" or more of precipitation - 9 days - 10.1%
Days with 0.50" or more of precipitation - 1 days - 1.1%
Days with 1.00" or more of precipitation - 0 days - 0.0%
Snowfall - Tied for 18th Snowiest Astronomical Winter
During astronomical winter, a total of 37.6" of snow was reported by the NWS official snow observer near Rochester International Airport. This was 9.7" above the long-term (1908-2018) average of 27.9". This was tied with the 2000-01 winter for the 18th snowiest astronomical winter. Here are the 20 snowiest astronomical winters in Rochester MN.
Snowiest Astronomical Winters
in Rochester MN
Rank Snowfall Winter
---- -------- ------
1 52.8 inches 1996-97
2 48.6 inches 1950-51
3 48.3 inches 1916-17
4 47.0 inches 2013-14
5 46.3 inches 2004-05
6 44.1 inches 1998-99
44.1 inches 1970-71
8 43.6 inches 2012-13
43.6 inches 2006-07
10 41.1 inches 1993-94
11 41.0 inches 1969-70
12 40.7 inches 1949-50
13 40.2 inches 1984-85
14 39.9 inches 1966-67
15 39.4 inches 1978-79
16 38.5 inches 1988-89
17 38.0 inches 1981-82
18 37.6 inches 2017-18
37.6 inches 2000-01
20 37.5 inches 1955-56
The snowiest day occurred on January 22 when 8.1" of snow fell.
Measurable (0.1" or greater) snow fell on 28 days (31.5%) and trace amounts of snow fell on another 12 days (13.5%).
Days with no snow - 49 days - 55.1%
Days with a trace of snow - 12 days - 13.5%
Days with a 0.1" to 1" of snow - 17 days - 19.1%
Days with 1.0" to 2.9" of snow - 7 days - 7.9%
Days with 3.0" to 5.9" of snow - 2 days - 2.2%
Days with 6.0" to 8.9" of snow - 2 days - 2.2%
Days with 9.0" or more of snow - 0 days - 0.0%
Snow Depth - Lower-than-Average
During astronomical winter, the average snow depth at Rochester International Airport was 3.4". This was 2.2" below the long-term (1938-2018) average of 5.6".
The greatest snow depth was 8" from January 23rd through January 26th.
Measurable snow was on the ground on 81 days or 91.0% of the season and there was no snow on the ground on 6 days or 6.7% of the season.
Days with no snow depth - 6 days - 6.7%
Days with a trace of snow depth - 2 days - 2.2%
Days with 1" to 2" of snow depth - 21 days - 23.6%
Days with 3" to 5" of snow depth - 48 days - 53.9%
Days with 6" to 8" of snow depth - 12 days - 13.5%
Days with 9" or more - 0 days - 0.0%