National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Significant Icing Possible

Multiple rounds of mixed wintry precipitation are anticipated, with the first round of sleet and freezing rain commencing later Friday afternoon through Saturday morning. Significant icing is possible by Saturday morning across eastern upper and far northern lower Michigan. Read More >


A line of severe thunderstorms impacted northern Michigan during the afternoon of Sunday, June 11th, 2017. Interesting to note, the line of thunderstorms originally developed during the morning hours of June 11th across eastern South Dakota before racing eastward through southern Minnesota, central and northern Wisconsin before crossing the Tip of the Mitt and eastern Upper Michigan.

The first severe thunderstorm warning was issued at 3:39 pm with an additional four warnings issued before the last warning expired at 5:48 pm. Wind gusts in excess of 60 mph caused damage to trees, power lines, and outbuildings.

The following loop is Doppler Radar imagery of the event unfolding from 8 am over southwest Minnesota until its arrival in Michigan during the mid-late afternoon hours.



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