Gaylord, MI
Weather Forecast Office
Here is a look at some Independence Day weather statistics for Alpena, with data going back to 1917. As can be seen in the data below, there has been a wide spectrum of temperatures and rainfall on Independence Day in Alpena, but highs have generally been in the 70s/80s and lows in the 40s/50s. It is also not uncommon for Alpena to see some rain on Independence Day. Alpena Independence Day Climate Extremes (1917-2022): Warmest High Temperature: 98 degrees (1955, 1921) Coldest High Temperature: 58 degrees (1951) Coldest Low Temperature: 34 degrees (1930) Warmest Low Temperature: 71 degrees (1919) Most Precipitation: 2.12 inches (1951) Alpena Independence Day Climate Averages (1917-2022): Average High Temperature: 79 degrees Average Low Temperature: 52 degrees Average Precipitation: 0.10 inches Below are graphs showing the frequency distribution of Independence Day high/low temperatures and precipitation for Alpena. Click here for a full listing of Alpena's Independence Day climate records. |
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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
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Gaylord, MI
8800 Passenheim Road
Gaylord, MI 49735-9454
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