Anomalously warm temperatures over the western U.S. today and Wednesday may break or tie current high and warm low records. In the East, dry conditions and gusty winds are bringing elevated fire weather to parts of the Eastern U.S. with critical fire weather in the southern Appalachians. Read More >
Lower Mississippi RFC
River Forecast Center
The Lower Mississippi River Forecast Center (LMRFC) provides forecasts for the lower sections of the Mississippi River. Forecasts on the Upper Mississippi River start at Chester, IL, and continue downstream to the confluence with the Ohio River. Forecasts on the Lower Ohio River start at Smithland Lock & Dam (Smithland, IL) and continue downstream to the confluence with the Upper Mississippi. Forecasts for the Lower Mississippi begin at the Ohio/Upper Mississippi confluence (just downstream of Cairo, IL) and continue downstream to New Orleans, LA. The Mississippi River is vital to commerce in the LMRFC area of forecast responsibility. Both high stages and low stages can cause significant impacts.
Lower Ohio / Lower Mississippi River 5-day Forecast Summary (RVAORN) - Updates Daily
Lower Ohio / Lower Mississippi River 28-day Forecast Summary (ESPORN) - Updates Daily
Experimental Lower Mississippi 28-day Forecast Plots - Updates Daily
Ohio River Daily Conditions - Updates Daily from US Army Corps of Engineers
Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers at a Glance - Hydrographs for both the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers
Summary of forecasts for the Mississippi River Basin (Riverwatch)
Observed Kentucky (KYDK2) & Barkley (BARK2) Reservoir Releases - US Army Corps of Engineers
Forecasted Kentucky (KYDK2) & Barkley (BARK2) Reservoir Releases - US Army Corps Engineers
Forecasted Kentucky (KDYK2) Reservoir Releases - Tennessee Valley Authority
Forecasted Barkley (BARK2) Reservoir Releases - US Army Corps of Engineers
Mississippi River and Tributaries Project - US Army Corps of Engineers
Ohio River Locks & Dams - US Army Corps of Engineers
Old River Control Structure - US Army Corps of Engineers
Bonnet Carre Spillway - US Army Corps of Engineers
Morganza Spillway - US Army Corps of Engineers