National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Thunderstorms and Flash Flooding Possible in the Southeast; Critical Fire Weather Conditions in the Plains on Monday

Scattered showers and isolated strong/severe thunderstorms are expected across the Southeast through Monday with scattered instances of flash flooding possible across portions of southern Georgia and northern Florida. Dry and windy conditions may produce fire weather conditions across much of the Great Plains, especially in the Northern Plains where critical fire weather conditions are expected. Read More >

Hawaiʻi Runup Observations


Runups in the Hawaiian Islands for Large, Pacific-Wide, 20th Century Tsunamis was compiled by Professor Daniel A. Walker. Source locations for these tsunamis are the Aleutian Islands (1946 and 1957), the Kamchatka Peninsula (1952), Chile (1960), and Alaska (1964). In 2013, the Japan (2011) event data was added by the International Tsunami Information Center to the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui and Oahu.

Runup data are not available for all of these tsunamis for all of the islands. Runups given are estimated maximum heights in feet of water levels on land relative to sea level, produced by inland flooding of the tsunami’s waves. Runups should not be confused with inundation limits (i.e., horizontal measures of the inland penetrations of a tsunami’s waves). In low-lying areas, inundation can extend inland for several hundred yards. Further discussion of runups, data sources, and the sectional runup maps from which these island-wide maps were derived may be found in:

  • "Field Guide for Measuring Tsunami Runups and Inundations," State of Hawaii, Department of Defense, Civil Defense Division, Tsunami Technical Review Committee, 2002. 

  • Miller, J. and V. Roeber, 2012, Final Report Tsunami Observer Program and the Tsunami of March 11, 2011, Environmental Center, Univ. of Hawai‘i.

  • Trusdell, F.A., Chadderton, A., Hinchliffe, G., Hara, A. Patenge, B., and T Weber, 2012, Tohoku-Oki earthquake tsunami runup and inundation data for sites around the Island of Hawai‘i, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1229.


To download, click on a link.

TsunamiRunupsHI 1812 2015 thumbnail

Tsunami Runups 1852-2015

Hawaii maximum tsunami runups 1900 2020 20210331 thumbnail

Hawaii Maximum Tsunami Runups (1900-2020)

TsunamiFacts 1975 maxrunup thumbnail

1975 Hawaii - Runups

hawaii 2012 runup thumbnail

Hawaii (2013)

maui 2012 runup thumbnail

Maui (2013)

oahu 2012 runup thumbnail

Oahu (2013)

kauai 2012 runup thumbnail

Kauai (2013)

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Molokai and Lanai


Hawaii TsuFieldManual Oct2002 thumbnail

Hawaii Field Guide for Measuring Tsunami Runups and Inundations

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Miller, J. and V. Roeber, 2012, Final Report Tsunami Observer Program and the Tsunami of March 11, 2011

of2012-1229 thumbnail

Trusdell, F.A., et al., 2012, Tohoku-Oki earthquake tsunami runup and inundation data for sites around the Island of Hawai‘i 

1946AleutiansHI runups thumbnail

1946 Aleutians - Runups

1952KamchatkaHI runups thumbnail

1952 Kamchatka - Runups

1957AndreanofHI runups thumbnail

1957 Andreanof Islands - Runups

1960ChileHI runups thumbnail

1960 Southern Chile - Runups

1964PrinceWilliamSoundHI runups thumbnail

1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska - Runups

2011TohokuHI runups thumbnail

2011 Tohoku, Japan - Runups