National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


0.1" or Greater
Wichita's earliest measurable snowfalls (0.1" or greater) since 1888.  On average, the metro area can expect its first measurable snowfall around December 2nd, with that chance increasing to 90 percent by January 1st.  The city's earliest measurable snowfall is October 22, 1996, and the latest "first" measurable snowfall is March 5, 1923.  



1" or Greater
Wichita's earliest one inch or greater snowfalls since 1888.  On average, the metro area can expect its first one inch or greater snowfall around December 19th, with that chance increasing to 90 percent by January 29th.  The city's earliest one inch or greater snowfall is October 28, 1905, and the latest "first" one inch or greater snowfall is March 27, 2016 (early Easter morning last year).