National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Definition of Terms in Climate Tables (F6)


Column Definition
2 MAX Highest temperature in °F during the 24hrs from midnight to midnight standard time.
3 MIN Lowest temperature in °F during the 24 hrs from midnight to midnight standard time.
4 AVG The average (rounded) of the MAX and MIN temperatures
5 DEP Departure of the AVG temperature from the 30-year mean temperature for the day.
6A HDD Heating Degree Days when AVG is less than 65°F. (HDD = 65°F - AVG).  The HDD season runs from July 1 - June 30
6B CDD Cooling Degree Days when AVG is above 65°F. (CDD = AVG - 65°F).  The CDD season runs from January 1 - December 31.
7 WTR This is the total (melted, if ice or snow) precipitation for the day in inches.
8 SNW The total amount of snow (not melted) that fell, in inches.  (This is the sum of hourly accumulations, and is often more than the actual snow depth due to either melting or compaction).
9 DPTH The snow depth, in inches, at 600 AM Standard Time.
10 AVG The average wind speed for the day, in Miles Per Hour
11 SPD The fastest 2-minute (average) wind speed, in Miles Per Hour.
12 DIR The direction the fastest 2-minute wind was blowing FROM in tens of degrees, i.e., 27 would be 270 degrees = wind was blowing from the west to the east
(36 = North, 09 = East, 18 = South, 27 = West)
13 MIN Total minutes of sunshine.  Sunshine is defined as occurring when a shadow is cast.
14 PSBL Percentage of total possible sunshine that actually occurred.
15 S-S Mean cloudiness from sunrise to sunset.  No longer measured at most locations.
16 WX 1 = fog with visibility of more that 1/4 mile, and less than 7 miles
2 = fog reducing visibility to 1/4 mile or less
3 = thunderstorm (thunderstorm is defined as thunder heard at the location, or lightning overhead)
4 = ice pellets
5 = hail
6 = glaze or rime
7 = blowing dust (reducing visibility less than 6 statute miles)
8 = smoke or haze (reducing visibility less than 6 statute miles)
9 = blowing snow
X = Tornado within sight of observer
17 SPD Peak wind speed (5 second average) in Miles Per Hour
18 DR The direction the peak wind was blowing FROM in tens of degrees, i.e., 27 would be 270 degrees = wind was blowing from the west to the east
(36 = North, 09 = East, 18 = South, 27 = West)