National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

How warm was it this March?


Temperatures this March have been well above normal, but how warm has it actually been? Normal maximum temperatures for Wichita in March are in the upper 50s and lower 60s. March ended up in second place in both average and maximum temperatures.  The average temperature for March was 57.9 degrees which was 0.2 degrees below the warmest average temperature from 1910.  The maximum temperature was second with 69.5 or 1.3 degrees below the warmest maximum temperature from 1910. 


Average and Maximum Temperatures March
Rank Average temperature Year Maximum temperature Year
1 58.1 1910 71.8 1910
2 57.9 2012 69.5 2012
3 54.8 2007 66.4 1907
4 54.5 1907 65.6 2007
5 54.0 1946 65.2 1986
6 52.6 1905 64.7 1946
7 52.5 1935 64.5 1994
8 51.9 1986 64.3 1967
9 51.9 1938 64.3 1936
10 51.4 1945 64.2 1908