COOP Regional Temperature & Precipitation
NOUS43 KICT 281412
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Wichita KS
912 AM CDT Fri Mar 28 2025
:Kansas Cooperative Weather Observer
:Temperature and Precipitation Reports
:Values are for the past 24 hours ending between 6 am and 8 am.
: Station Report Max / Min / 24 hr / Snow / Snow
: Name Time Temp Temp / Pcpn / Fall / Depth
: Cooperative observations for Kansas
ANYK1: Anthony : DH0700/ 85 / 55 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
CFVK1: Coffeyville : DH0600/ 80 / 57 / 0.00 / M / M
ELDK1: El Dorado : DH0700/ 85 / 58 / 0.04 / M / M
FREK1: Fredonia : DH0700/ 77 / 56 / 0.13 / M / M
GRBK1: Great Bend 3WNW : DH0700/ 90 / 49 / 0.00 / M / M
INDK1: Independence : DH0700/ 81 / 57 / 0.00 / M / M
IOAK1: Iola Water Plant: DH0800/ 76 / 56 / 0.01 / M / M
KANK1: Kanopolis Lake 1: DH0700/ 87 / 56 / 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
LICK1: Lincoln 1SE : DH0700/ 88 / 58 / 0.10 / M / M
MADK1: Marion Reservoir: DH0800/ 82 / 56 / 0.00 / M / M
MCPK1: McPherson : DH0700/ 85 / 56 / 0.00 / M / M
MVLK1: Mound Valley 3 W: DH0700/ 79 / 51 / 0.00 / M / M
PARK1: Parsons 2NW : DH0700/ 78 / 46 / 0.00 / M / M
SDAK1: Sedan : DH0700/ 84 / 56 / 0.00 / M / M
SRLK1: Sterling : DH0700/ 88 / 54 / 0.00 / M / M
WLSK1: Wilson Lake 10N : DH0700/ 90 / 64 / 0.26 / M / M
YATK1: Yates Center : DH0600/ 79 / 55 / 0.11 / M / M
:Kansas Cooperative Weather Observer
:24 hour precipitation - These stations report precipitation only.
: Station Report 24 hr / Snow / Snow
: Name Time Pcpn / Fall / Depth
: Cooperative observations for Kansas
AKCK1: Arkansas City : DH0605/ 0.00 / 0.0 / 0
BNDK1: Barnard : DH0630/ 0.26 / M / M
BLLK1: Belle Plaine 4 W : DH0600/ 0.00 / M / M
CHVK1: Cheney 5 N 5N : DH0730/ 0.00 / M / M
GLBK1: Galesburg 1NNE 1 : DH0800/ 0.00 / M / M
HSTK1: Halstead 5NW 5NW : DH0600/ 0.00 / M / M
LSBK1: Lindsborg 3E 3E : DH0700/ 0.00 / M / M
NWTK1: Newton : DH0700/ 0.00 / M / M
OXDK1: Oxford : DH0800/ 0.00 / M / M
These data are preliminary and have not undergone final quality
control by the National Centers for Environmental Information. These
data are subject to revision=. Final and certified data can be
accessed at