November 2021 Climate Summary and Highlights
WICHITA EISENHOWER AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 48.4 degrees was 2.6 degrees warmer than normal. It was the 24th warmest November since records began in 1888. Not only was November warm, but it was also fairly dry, only coming in at 0.46 inches. This is 0.90 inches below normal. No snow fell during the month of November. It was the first snow-free November since 2017.
SALINA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 47.3 degrees was 3.7 degrees warmer than normal. It was the 23rd warmest November since records began in 1900. Not only was November warm, but it was also unusually dry. In fact, the Trace of precipitation measured ties for the driest November on record. Additionally, this was the driest November since 1989. On average, Salina sees 18 hours of measurable precipitation (0.01", or greater) each November. This November had zero hours of measurable precipitation.
CHANUTE MARTIN-JOHNSON AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 49.3 degrees was 2.2 degrees warmer than normal. It was the 25th warmest November since records began in 1898. Not only was November warm, but it was also unusually dry. The total precipitation of 0.53 inches was 1.83 inches below normal. It was the driest November since 2016. On average, Chanute sees 18 hours of measurable precipitation (0.01", or greater) each November. This November only had 5 hours of measurable precipitation.
November 2021 Temperatures
Monthly Average Temperatures | Monthly Temperature Departure from Normal |
Kansas November 2021 average temperatures (the average of each daily high and low temperature). | Kansas November 2021 average temperature departures from normal. The entire state of Kansas was above to well above normal for the month. |
Warmest Temperatures | Coolest Temperatures |
The warmest temperatures recorded during November 2021 across Kansas were in the 70s and 80s. The warmest temperatures of the month occurred across southwest Kansas. | The coolest temperatures recorded during November 2021 across Kansas were in the 10s and 20s, coolest across western Kansas. |
Monthly Temperature Rankings |
Kansas November 2021 temperature rankings by division. The number 1 denotes the warmest November on record (since 1893), 129 denotes the coolest. The key message here is that a large portion of the state was in the top 25 for warmest November's on record. |
November 2021 Precipitation
Monthly Precipitation | Precipitation Departure from Normal |
Kansas November 2021 precipitation (liquid-equivalent). This map constitutes a mix of observations and radar estimates. The key message here is that the bulk of November's precipitation occurred across eastern Kansas. | Kansas November 2021 precipitation departure from normal. The key message here is that the majority of Kansas was below normal for precipitation in November. |
November 2021 Snowfall | November 2021 Snowfall Departure from Normal |
While most of the state was snow-free in November, parts of northern Kansas saw a few tenths to near an inch. | This map shows how far above, or below, normal November's snowfall was. The key message here is that the entire state was below normal for snowfall during November 2021 |
Monthly Precipitation Rankings |
Kansas November 2021 precipitation rankings by division. The number 1 denotes the wettest November on record (since 1893), 129 denotes the driest. The key message here is that the entire state was dry to very dry, with several areas falling into the top 25 driest on record. |
November 2021 Miscellaneous Climate and Headline Information
November Severe Thunderstorm Warnings | November High Wind Warnings |
The number of Severe Thunderstorms Warnings issued during November 2021 across Kansas. Not much severe weather occurred in November, and was mainly confined to far eastern Kansas . | The number of High Wind Warnings issued during November 2021. While it was windy at times, November didn't see much in the way of damaging wind events. |
November Red Flag Warnings | November Red Flag Warning Departure from Normal |
The number of Red Flag Warnings issued during November 2021. The dry, mild, and breezy conditions during November helped fuel several days of heightened fire weather concerns. | The key message here is that much of the Central Plains and Central and Rockies regions saw more fire weather activity than normal during November. |
November Winter Weather Headlines Departure from Normal | |
This map shows the departure from normal for number of Winter Weather Advisories and Winter Storm Warnings issued during November 2021. The key message here is that almost the entire United States was below normal for winter weather headlines. |
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