January 2023 Climate Summary and Highlights
WICHITA EISENHOWER AIRPORT The average monthly temperature at Eisenhower Airport was 36.6 degrees, which was 3.4 degrees warmer than average. It tied for the 17th warmest January since records began in 1889, and the warmest since 2017. The warmest daily temperature was 63 degrees on the 16th, and the coldest was 7 on the 31st. Precipitation-wise, 1.25 inches was measured, which was 0.40 inches above average. It was the 32nd wettest January on record, and the wettest since 2021. Snowfall-wise, 1.6 inches was measured, which was 1.1 inches below average. SALINA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT The average monthly temperature at Salina Municipal Airport was 32.9 degrees, which was 2.1 degrees warmer than average. It tied for the 34th warmest January since records began in 1900, and the warmest since 2021. The warmest daily temperature was 61 degrees on the 16th, and the coldest was 7 on the 31st. Precipitation-wise, 1.21 inches was measured, which was 0.50 inches above average. It tied for the 23rd wettest January on record, and was the wettest since 2017. CHANUTE MARTIN-JOHNSON AIRPORT The average monthly temperature at Chanute Martin-Johnson Airport was 38.8 degrees, which was a whopping 5.1 degrees warmer than average. It was the 12th warmest January since records began in 1899, and the warmest since 2006. The warmest daily temperature was 74 degrees on the 2nd, which was the 5th warmest January temperature ever recorded at Chanute. The coldest daily temperature was 12 on the 31st. Precipitation-wise, 1.05 inches was measured, which was 0.13 inches below average.
January 2023 Climate Reports |
January 2023 Temperatures
Monthly Average Temperatures | Monthly Temperature Departure from Normal |
Kansas January 2023 average temperatures (the average of each daily high and low temperature). | Kansas January 2023 average temperature departures from normal. Western Kansas was cooler than average, with well above average temperatures over the eastern half. |
Warmest Daily Temperatures | Coldest Daily Temperatures |
The warmest temperatures recorded January 2023 across Kansas. | The coldest temperatures recorded January 2023 across Kansas. |
January 2023 Temperature Rankings |
Kansas January 2023 temperature rankings by climate division. The number 1 denotes the warmest January on record (since 1893), 131 denotes the coolest. |
January 2023 Precipitation
Monthly Precipitation Totals | Monthly Precipitation Percent of Normal |
January 2023 precipitation totals (liquid-equivalent) across Kansas. This map is derived from a mix of ground-truth observations and radar estimates. | January 2023 percent of normal precipitation. Generally the northern half of Kansas saw above average precipitation, most pronounced over northwest portions. Below average precipitation was most pronounced over far southwest Kansas. |
Monthly Snowfall | Monthly Snowfall Departure from Normal |
January 2023 snowfall across Kansas. | January snowfall was generally near to above average for most across the state, with well above average snowfall over northwest Kansas. |
January 2023 Precipitation Rankings |
Kansas January 2023 precipitation rankings by climate division. The number 1 denotes the wettest January on record (since 1893), 131 denotes the driest. The northwest division saw their 3rd wettest January on record. |
January 2023 Miscellaneous Climate and Headline Information
Monthly Tornado Warnings | Monthly Tornado Warnings Departure from Normal |
No Tornado Warnings were issued across Kansas in January | |
January 2023 Tornado Warnings departure from average by NWS office. Tornado warning counts were above average across portions of the Midwest and Southeast U.S. |
Monthly Severe Thunderstorm Warnings | Monthly Severe Thunderstorm Warnings Departure from Normal |
The number Severe Thunderstorm Warnings per county across Kansas issued by the National Weather Service in January. One severe thunderstorm warning was issued across eastern Kansas. | January 2023 Severe Thunderstorm Warnings departure from average by NWS office. Similar to Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm Warning counts were above average across portions of the Midwest and Southeast U.S. |
Monthly High Wind Warnings | Monthly High Wind Warnings Departure from Normal |
The number High Wind Warnings per county across Kansas issued by the National Weather Service in January, for non-thunderstorm high winds. A handful of warnings were issued across far southwest Kansas. | High Wind Warnings departure from normal issued by NWS offices in January. |
Monthly Red Flag Warnings | Monthly Red Flag Warnings Departure from Normal |
The number Red Flag Warnings per county across Kansas issued by the National Weather Service in January, for extreme fire danger. A handful of warnings were issued across southwest Kansas. | Red Flag Warnings departure from normal issued by NWS offices in January. |
Monthly Winter Storm Warnings | Monthly Winter Storm Warnings Departure from Normal |
The number Winter Storm Warnings per county across Kansas issued by the National Weather Service in January, for hazardous wintry weather. Warnings were confined to western and northwest Kansas. | Winter Storm Warnings departure from normal issued by NWS offices in January. |
Monthly Winter Weather Advisories | Monthly Winter Weather Advisories Departure from Normal |
The number Winter Weather Advisories per county across Kansas issued by the National Weather Service in January, for less serious hazardous wintry weather. | Winter Weather Advisories departure from normal issued by NWS offices in January. |
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