December 2021 Climate Summary and Highlights
Overall, it was a very warm and dry December for most across the region. Below is a summary from our primary climate sites.
WICHITA EISENHOWER AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 44.2 degrees was 8.6 degrees warmer than normal. It was the 2nd warmest December since records began in 1888, and the warmest since 1889. The warmest daily temperature of 77 degrees on the 15th was also the 2nd warmest December temperature on record. The coldest daily temperature was 9 degrees on the 19th. Precipitation-wise, only 0.01 inches was measured, which was 1.21 inches drier than normal. It was the driest December on record. No snow was measured for the month, which was 3.1 inches below normal.
SALINA MUNICIPAL AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 40.8 degrees was 7.9 degrees warmer than normal. It was the warmest December since records began in 1900. The warmest daily temperature of 76 degrees on the 15th was also the 2nd warmest December temperature on record. The coldest daily temperature was 10 degrees on the 18th. Precipitation-wise, only 0.08 inches was measured, which was 1.04 inches drier than normal. It tied for the 10th driest December on record.
CHANUTE MARTIN-JOHNSON AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 48.2 degrees was 11.1 degrees warmer than normal. It was the warmest December since records began in 1898. The warmest daily temperature of 80 degrees on Christmas Eve was also the warmest December temperature on record. The coldest daily temperature was 22 degrees on the 21st. Precipitation-wise, 1.89 inches was measured, which was 0.18 inches above normal. It was the 36th wettest December on record.
RUSSELL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT The average monthly temperature of 38.4 degrees was 6.3 degrees warmer than normal. It was the warmest December since records began in 1949. The warmest daily temperature of 79 degrees on the 2nd was also the warmest December temperature on record. The coldest daily temperature was 7 degrees on the 19th. Precipitation-wise, only 0.01 inches was measured, which was 0.73 inches drier than normal. It tied for the 3rd driest December on record, and it was the driest since 2017.
December 2021 Temperatures
Monthly Average Temperatures | Monthly Temperature Departure from Normal |
Kansas December 2021 average temperatures (the average of each daily high and low temperature). | Kansas December 2021 average temperature departures from normal. The entire state was much warmer than normal for the month. |
Warmest Temperatures | Coldest Temperatures |
The warmest temperatures recorded during December 2021 across Kansas were in the 70s and 80s. | The coolest temperatures recorded during December 2021 across Kansas ranged from the single digits to the 20s. |
Monthly Temperature Rankings |
Kansas December 2021 temperature rankings by division. The number 1 denotes the warmest December on record (since 1893), 130 denotes the coldest. Many divisions experienced their warmest December on record. |
December 2021 Precipitation
Monthly Precipitation | Precipitation Departure from Normal |
Kansas December 2021 precipitation (liquid-equivalent). This map constitutes a mix of observations and radar estimates. Most of the monthly precipitation occurred across eastern and southeast Kansas. Little if any precipitation occurred across portions of central and south-central Kansas. | Kansas December 2021 precipitation departure from normal. Much of the state experienced well below normal precipitation, especially portions of central and south-central Kansas. |
Monthly Snowfall | Snowfall Departure from Normal |
Much of Kansas experienced little if any snow in December. | Snowfall departures from normal for December were two to 5 inches below normal. |
Monthly Precipitation Rankings |
Kansas December 2021 precipitation rankings by division. The number 1 denotes the wettest December on record (since 1893), 130 denotes the driest. All divisions experienced below normal precipitation, most notably across generally the southwest quarter of Kansas. |
December 2021 Miscellaneous Climate and Headline Information
December Tornado Warnings | December Tornado Warnings Departure from Normal |
Rare December tornado warnings were issued across northeast Kansas on December 15th. | Large portions of Mid-America experienced more tornado-producing severe thunderstorms than normal during December 2021. |
December Severe Thunderstorm Warnings | December Severe Thunderstorm Warnings Departure from Normal |
Rare December severe thunderstorm warnings were issued across central and eastern Kansas on December 15th. | Large portions of Mid-America experienced more severe thunderstorms than normal during December 2021. |
December High Wind Warnings | December High Wind Warnings Departure from Normal |
High wind warnings were hoisted for extreme high winds on December 15th. | Portions of the central and southwest U.S. experienced more high wind activity than normal during December 2021. |
December Red Flag Warnings | December Red Flag Warnings Departure from Normal |
The number of Red Flag Warnings issued during December 2021, due to very dry and mild weather, which supported extreme grassland fire danger at times. | Portions of the central and western U.S. experienced higher fire danger than normal during December 2021. |
December Winter Weather Headlines Departure from Normal |
Central, eastern, and southern portions of the country saw generally below normal wintry precipitation in December, while northern and western portions generally saw above normal wintry precipitation. |
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