National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Grassland Fire Danger Statement


Statewide Grassland Fire Danger maps are also available for the states of South Dakota and Iowa.
Please take note of the legend beneath the maps for the color scheme.

Note: The Grassland Fire Danger statement will be issued daily from April 1st to November 15th, or as conditions warrant during the Spring and late Autumn.  It will also be issued during the winter months if the index reaches High,  Very High or Extreme.  Please check the date on the map and the text product below to ensure you are looking at a current product.

Check the text product beneath the maps for detailed Fire Danger information.

Grassland Fire Danger for Today
Grassland Fire Danger for Today
Key for Fire Danger Maps:
Low - Green
Moderate - Blue
High - Yellow
Very High - Orange
Extreme - Red