National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Formal Publications


Barker, T. W., 2008: Catching Up To a Big Temperature Change. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 08-19. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2006: Warm Advection with Interesting Details On December 1st, 2005. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 06-12. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2005: Model View of Inversion Evolution. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 05-07. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2004: Precipitation Estimates at Long Range - A Western Region WES TA-Lite. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 04-33. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2004: Similar Storms - Different Results. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 04-09. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2003: The 20 January 2002 Winter Storm in the Treasure Valley - A Weather Event Simulation. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 03-12. [PDF] 

Barker, T. W., 2003: Treasure Valley Idaho Severe Convection - A WES Study. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 03-38. [PDF] 

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1998: Review of QG theory -- part III: A different approachNatl. Wea. Dig.22:3, 3-10. [PDF]

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1997: Review of QG theory -- part II: The omega equationNatl. Wea. Dig.21:2, 43-51. [PDF]

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1996: What does quasi-geostrophic really mean? Natl. Wea. Dig.21:1, 21-25. [PDF]

Borsum, D. L.*, 1995: Doppler Dilemma Delineates Danger from Dirt. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 95-07. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2008: An Extremely Accurate MaxT Forecast Using the Analog Tool in GFE. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 08-24. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2007: Using BOI_Verify to Identify Model Preferences in Large Temperature Change Events. Preprints, AMS 22nd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/18th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Park City, UT. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: A GFE-Based Temperature Verification at WFO Boise. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 02-06. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: GFE-Based Temperature Verification-One Approach. Preprints, AMS 19th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/15th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, San Antonio, TX. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: How Traditional NWS Verification Encourages "Hedging", and a Possible Remedy. Preprints, AMS 19th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting/15th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, Boston, MA, San Antonio, TX. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 2002: Practical Applications of Extrapolated dProg/dt in AWIPS. Preprints, AMS 1st Interactive Symposium on AWIPS, Orlando, FL. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 1998: TAF verification results Idaho, Winter 1997-98. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-32. [PDF] 

Colin, L. R., 1995: Numerical Verification of Conditional Terms in NWS Terminal Forecasts. Preprints, AMS 6th Conference on Aviation Weather Systems, Dallas, TX. 

Colin, L. R., 1995: An Index for measuring the breakdown of surface-based inversions in the Intermountain West. Preprints, 5th AES/CMOS Workshop on Operational Meteorology, Edmonton, Alberta, Atmospheric Environment Service/Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, 74-77. [PDF] 

DeVoir, G. A.*, 1998: Conditional Symmetric Instability Methods of Operational Diagnosis and Case Study of 23-24 February 1994 Eastern Washington/Oregon Snowstorm. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-254. [PDF] 

DeVoir, G. A.*, 1998: GOES-10 provides high temporal resolution of Treasure Valley outflow boundaries. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-18. [PDF] 

Eggers, T.* and S. Vasiloff, 1998: High intensity short duration precipitation, flash flooding and the WSR-88D. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-30. [PDF]

Eggers, T.*, 1991: WeatherTools. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-215. [PDF]

Eggers, T.*, 1991: Hydrotools. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-210. [PDF]

Evenson, E. C.* and M. H. Strobin, 1998: Model Boundary layer problems and their impact on thunderstorm forecasting in the Western United States. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-20. [PDF]

Evenson, E. C.*, 1996: The 6 July 1995 Severe Weather Events in the Northwestern United States: Recent Examples of SSWEs. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-237. [PDF]

Evenson, E.C.* and J.R. Mecikalski, 1996: Preliminary Evaluation of a PCGRIDDS Macro in Forecasting Dry Microbursts over the Western United StatesPreprints, 18th Conf. Severe Local Storms, San Francisco, CA. [HTML]

Evenson, E. C.*, and R. H. Johns, 1995: Some climatological and synoptic aspects of severe weather development in the northwestern United StatesNatl. Wea. Dig.20:1, 34-50. [PDF]

Heffernan, R., 2012: New Advances for the Incident Meteorologist Program in 2011. Preprints, AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. [HTML] 

Heffernan, R., C. H. Jones and K. Lynott, 2011: Encouraging Community Wildfire Awareness. Preprints, AMS 9th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Palm Springs, CA. [HTML] 

Heffernan, R., H. Hockenberry and L. Van Bussum, 2011: NWS Fire Weather Decision Support, Now and in the Future. Preprints, AMS 9th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Palm Springs, CA. [HTML] 

Hill, J. J.*, 1998: The warning and verification team: A WCM pilot project at NWSFO Boise August 1996 to June 1997. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-06. [PDF] 

Hockenberry, H.*, R. Hicks and R. Ochoa, 2007: A journey down under: Operational fire weather forecasting exchange for the 2006-2007 fire season. Preprints, AMS 7th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Bar Harbor, ME. [HTML]

Hurlbut, M. M.*, 2007: A Rare F-2 Tornado Event in Bear Idaho. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 07-07. [PDF] 

Hurlbut, M. M.* and S. S. Parker, 2006: Severe weather threat discrimination in southeast Oregon and southwest Idaho using pre-storm environmental data. Preprints, AMS 23rd Conf. Severe Local Storms, St. Louis, MO. [PDF]

Jannuzzi, J. A.*, 2002: Rapid Prototyping Grid-Based Forecasting. Preprints, AMS 1st Interactive Symposium on AWIPS, Orlando, FL. [PDF]

Jannuzzi, J. A.*, 1995: Summary of 1995 NWA Annual MeetingNatl. Wea. Dig.20:2, 40-41. [PDF]

Jewel, R. E. D.*, 2000: Using storm top divergence signatures as large hail indicators in the Boise CWA. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 00-14. [PDF] 

Mollner, M.*, 1991: Notes on a visit to NMC. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 91-29. [PDF]

Mollner, M.*, 1991: Idaho Zone Preformat, Temperature Guidance, and Verification. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-213. [PDF]

Parker, S. S., 2010: Classic and HP Mini-Supercells in Southeast Oregon and Southwest Idaho on 3 May 2009. Preprints, AMS 25th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Denver, CO. [PDF] 

Redman, C. F., 2009: Summer daytime down drainage winds in the Salmon River drainage. Preprints, AMS 8th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Kalispell, MT. [HTML] 

St. Jean, D.*, 1997: Using varied enhancement curves to better evaluate fog and stratus with RAMSDIS. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 97-40. [PDF] 

Smith, J. D., 2017: The History of Weather Observations in Boise, Idaho. Western Region Technical Memorandum NWS WR-291. [PDF] 

Smith, J. D., 2010: Severe Hail Detection Technique using Reflectivity and Freezing Level Height for the Boise Weather Forecast Office County Warning Area. Western Region Technical Attachment Lites No. 10-06. [PDF] 

Strobin, M. H., R. Miler and E. C. Evenson*, 1998: An example of weak dynamic forcing in an unstable wintertime atmosphere. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 98-28. [PDF]

Van Bussum, L. and R. Lamoni, 2007: A review of 2006 fire weather support: A record year. Preprints, AMS 7th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology, Bar Harbor, ME. [HTML] 

Walrod, L. E.*, 1994: WSR-88D Detection of LLWS. Western Region Technical Attachment No. 94-35. [PDF]


Informal Articles

Billingsley, D. R. B.*, 1995: A Splitting Storm in Southwest Idaho. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Braun, A.*, 2017: May 5, 2017 Non-Tornadic Example. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2016: A one inch hail report on 12 July 2016. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2016: The May 6, 2016 Event. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2016: November 25, 2015 Winter Storm. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: October 19, 2015 Heavy Rain Event. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: August 26, 2015 Flash Flood Event. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: September 16th Bright-Banding Example. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: Boise CWA August 2015 Wind Events. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

Braun, A.*, 2015: 7-8-15 Heavy Rain Event in Boise - Case Study. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [HTML]

DeVoir, G. A.*, 1997: Arctic Air in Boise: Climatologically Favorable Upper Air Patterns and Correlating Minimum Temperatures with 120 GMT Snow Depth. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Eggers, T.*, 1997: Severe Weather Episode in Idaho on May 31, 1997. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 2002: A Study of the Treasure Valley Heavy Snow Event of January 20, 2002. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 2001: Freezing Level vs. -20C level for large hail in the Boise CWA. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 2001: The Harmless Supercell of July 12, 2001. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, 1998: A Comparison of Selected 500 mb Prognostic Charts with Actual 500 mb Features over the Northwestern United States. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Fugazzi, M. J.*, UNK: Snow vs. Rain at Boise Using 850 mb Temperatures and 850 mb - 700 mb Thickness. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Hurlbut, M. M.*, 2006: Post Mortem for June 4, 2006 F2 Tornado and Microburst. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Huston, D.*, UNK: Arctic Outbreaks at Boise. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Jannuzzi, J. A.*, 2004: High Wind Events - Boise and the Upper Treasure Valley. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 2006: Weiser River Flood of 28 February 2006. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 2000: Heavy Snow Climatology and Synoptic Patterns for the West Central Mountains - Idaho Zone 11. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 1999: Boise and Snake River Plain wind event of 08/30/1999. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.* and D. Borsum*, 1997: Assessment of the April 20th 1997 Tornado/Gustnado in Southeast Boise. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Skari, G. J.*, 1996: The Southern Idaho snow and rain event of 12/05/1995. An important Idaho weather system well underforecast by the models. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]

Tannenholz, J., 1984: The Boise Tornado of 1984. (National Weather Service Boise, Idaho local study.) [PDF]


*Affiliated with WFO Boise at the time of the publication.